Chapter 14

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Hermione POV

Potter explained that we need to find the Diadem we were all going to split up into pairs to look for it. I was with Ginny. But we wasn't going to find the Diadem we were going to look for Draco and Blaise. They might be in Severus' office. We walked up to the door and knocked.
"Who is it." Snape asked.
"It's Ginny." She said.
"Come in." He said.
She opened the door and walked in with me close behind.
"Hermione!" Severus said and hugged me.
"Where is Draco and Blaise?" Ginny asked him.
"They left a few minutes after you did before. I'll send them a letter." He said before writing on a piece of parchment and charming it to find the boys. After 10 minutes there was a knock on the door.
"Come in." Sev said.
Draco and Blaise walked in.
"What's up Unc... Mione." Draco said and hugged me. Blaise was not far behind.
"So how was hunting for Horcruxes?" Draco asked.
"Well we got most of them. The Cup and The Locket. They are looking for the Diadem now and then it's Nagini. But none of them have been destroyed." I explained.
"I'll talk to the Dark Lord and tell him to keep a close eye on Nagini." Sev said. We were talking for a while before people were putting up protection spells and getting ready to fight. The Order has shown up and I hugged Tonks. People were shooting the killing curse everywhere.
So far: Lavender Brown, Kingsley Shackbolt and lots more had died.
The Dark Lord had echoed his voice through the school,
"Harry Potter come to the Dark Forest and I will not harm anyone else. If not I will kill every Man, Woman and Child who gets in to way. You have 1 hour."
"What are you waiting for? Someone grab him." Came the very annoying voice of Pansy Parkinson.
The whole of the Order blocked everyone from getting to Potter. But he pushed past them all.
"I'm going." He said.
"Harry you can't." Weasley said.
"Yes I can Ron. I don't want anyone else to die." He said.
"Ok then I'm coming with you." Weasley said.
"No Ron stay here." He said before walking off. The fight went on. I secretly shot some spells at the Order I killed Remus Lupin. After an hour the  Dark Lord was walking across the bridge with all of his death eaters behind him and Hagrid was there carrying someone. When they reached the school he shouted, "HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" All of the death eaters laughed.
"Now if anyone would like to come over and join us. Now would be the time to do it." He said.
"Children come." Narcissa said. I looked at Ginny and we walked over. Molly was crying that her only daughter had changed sides. We hugged Narcissa and Lucius, Bella and Rudolphus. Tonks was walking over. The Dark Lord pulled up her sleeve and showed it to the Order. Draco and Blaise came over and put their arms around me and Ginny. There were multiple gasps. The whole of the Weasleys were crying because me Ginny and Tonks had left. Nobody else had come.
"HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" He shouted again. We all laughed. Hagrid dropped Potters body to the floor and he got up. Ron was smiling because his best friend was still alive but still sad because of his sister. Potter shot a spell at The Dark Lord and then started to run.
"AVADA KADAVRA!" He shouted at Potter. He missed. He went after him. Everyone else started to fight again. Ginny had already killed Dean, Shamus and Percy, Ronald and Arthur. Draco had killed Fred, George, Luna and Neville. I killed Cho and Seamus.
Blaise was against Molly. He wasn't winning either. Ginny rushed over and crucioed her then helped Blaise up of the floor.
"You are a disgrace to our family. I'm ashamed to call you my daughter." She said.
"Well I'm ashamed to call you my mother." Ginny said.
"Your not my daughter you bitch." Molly shouted.
"AVADA KADAVRA!" Ginny shouted. Molly dropped dead on the floor. She was the last of them. We looked around. Narcissa and Lucius were talking to Tonks, Bella and Rudolphus. The four of us ran over to them. We all hugged.
"Thank Heavens you are ok." Narcissa said. Kissing each of us on the head. Bella did the same.
Lucius and Rudolphus hugged us.
"Everyone else is watching the battle between Harry Potter and The Dark Lord." We all walked over and saw Potter loosing. They were both thrown backwards into the rubble. "AVADA KADAVRA." He shouted and Potter dropped to the floor dead.

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