Chapter 2

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Hermione POV

We walked out of our wing and he showed me to the training room, the gym, the indoor swimming pool, the kitchen, the living room, the dining room, my personal favourite the library, the cinema room, the garden, the outdoor swimming pool, the flower garden and all of the other wings. This place was huge. It had taken us 2 hours to walk around.
"I'm hungry. Do you want something to eat?" He asked me.
"Yeah please." I replied. We walked down stairs to the kitchen and then Draco went rummaging through the fridge.
"They always get my favourite fruit." He said with a smile.
"And that would be?" I say before sitting at a stool at the kitchen counter.
"Green apples." He said.
"Oh my Merlin. I love green apples." I say.
"Want one?" He said. I nodded and he chucked me one.
"Thanks." I said biting into it.
"So what do you want to do now?" He asked. I was interrupted by the sound of someone coming through the floo.
"Hey Draco." Came non other then Blaise Zabini.
"Hey Blaise. She kicked you out again?" Draco asked.
"Yeah." He said. He walked into the kitchen and stopped.
"What is Hermione Granger doing eating a green apple sitting at your kitchen counter?" He asked looking confused.
"She lives here." Draco replied simply.
"Wow if someone told me that you two were living together I would have thought that they were taking drugs or something." He said.
"I know." Me and Draco said in unison.
"Wait. Why is Hermione Granger living in your house." He asked.
"I'll let her explain, not my story to tell." Draco said.
"Ok well this morning I was in the muggle world visiting my parents like I do every day. On the corner of their street I could see ambulances, which are a muggle way of getting people to a hospital quickly, and police officers everywhere. I walked over and asked them what happened and they said that they couldn't tell me unless I was family. I told them that I was their daughter and then he told me to sit down. He said that my parents were murdered. They gave me this letter." I pulled out the letter and handed it to them. "I went and packed all of my things and apperated to Diagon Alley. I turned into Knockturn Alley and sat in the bookstore. Lucius came in a few hours after I did and then he took me in and here we are." I said.

Lucius walked into the kitchen to see me and the boys getting along with each other.
"Hermione can I borrow you?" He asked.
"Yeah sure." I got up off the stool and followed Lucius.
"Hermione the Dark Lord would like to meet you. He will also decide if you can join our ranks." He explained.
"Ok." I said.
"He will be in his office." He pointed to a door. "Good luck." He said.
"Thanks." I said.

I walked up to the door and knocked.
"Come in." I heard.
I opened the door and was greeted by the Dark Lord.
"Ah Miss Granger. Please take a seat." He said gesturing towards a chair across from his desk. I walked up to the chair and sat in it.
"So, Miss Granger, what makes you think you've got what it takes to join my ranks?" He asked.
"Well I know basically everything there is to know about the Order, all their secrets, all their strengths and weaknesses, all of their hideouts. And I'm really trusted with them. But I hate them." I explained.
"What has made you turn against the Order?"
"They killed my parents and said that it was for the best and that they were a distraction to me."
"That's low even for the Order. Killing innocent people." He said. "Well Miss Granger, Welcome to our ranks. You will receive your Dark mark when you have finished Hogwarts. But, you have your first mission." He said.
"Yes My Lord what is it?" I said.
"You are to remain with the order tell them that you are staying with some muggle relatives for the time being. You will be a spy and will report anything that we could use against them."
"Ok." I said.
"Thank you. You may leave." He said.
"Thank you." I said before walking out the door with a huge smile on my face. I walked back into the kitchen to see the boys talking still. They both turned when they heard me walk in. They saw the huge smile plastered on my face and looked at me weirdly.
"What is with the huge smile?" Zabini asked.
"Well guess who is getting the Dark Mark?" I smiled.
"No way. You got in?" Draco asked. I nodded.
"I don't get it until we finish Hogwarts though." I said letting my smile fault a little.
"It's ok that's when we get ours." Blaise said.
"Yeah. We might all get them together." Draco said.
"This day has been so long. First I find out that my parents are dead, then I find that the order did it, then I leave the order, Lucius takes me in, I find out that I can get the dark mark and I get my first mission on day one." I say.
"Wait. You get to go on a mission?" Blaise and Draco asked in unison.
"Yeah." I reply.
"No fair. What have you got to do?" Blaise asked.
"Well I've got to spy on the Order. And present to be friends with Potter and Weasley at school." I said.
"Poor you." Draco said.
"I know right." I said.
"We promise to be extra horrible to them when we go back to Hogwarts." Draco said.
"Awww thanks." I say before we all burst out into fits of laughter.
"Mum will be back in a bit. She'll love having a girl in the house." Draco said.
"Yeah she has had to put up with me and Draco for most of our lives." Blaise said.
"Boys I'm home." Came the graceful voice of Narcissa Malfoy.
"See what we mean she said 'boys' not kids. I think the only girls that have been in this house is mum and aunt Bella." Draco said.
Narcissa walked into the kitchen and saw the three of us talking.
"Hello Draco Hello Blaise. And Miss Granger." She said looking like Blaise and Draco did when they saw me.
"Please call me Hermione." I said.
"Hello." She said.
"Hello." I replied.
"Mum, Hermione has joined us and is living here." Draco explained.
"Urgh finally another female living in this house. I can't put up with all of the boys in this house." She said. The boys burst out laughing. She looked at them confused. I shook my head. I actually felt really bad that she has had to put up with these two idiots their whole lives.
"Well it was lovely meeting you Hermione. I've had a really long day but I'll see you lot in the morning. Good night." She said.
"Night." The Three of us all said in unison.
She turned on her heel and walked off. The boys started to laugh again.
"You know I actually feel really sorry for your mother." I said to Draco.
"Why?" He asked.
"Well she has had to put up with you for your entire live."
Blaise started to laugh at this.
"Blaise I don't know why you are laughing because you have been coming around here since you were like 1." Draco said. He immediately stopped laughing. I chuckled a bit.
"Right I'm off to bed because I'm really tired and have had a really long day. Night. See you tomorrow." I said before walking out the room and up the stairs into my room. I quickly changed into my pyjamas and then got into my warm bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was sleeping.

Omg guys 2 chapters in one night gonna try and push it to a bother one possibly even a fourth so yeah bye bye.

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