Chapter 6

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Hermione POV. Time skip to the holidays.

I was in my dorm with Ginny. We were packing all of our things into our cases. We were going to Malfoy Manor and I couldn't wait to see Lucius and Narcissa again. I had owled them everyday like they asked. They are really like parents to me.
"Hermione come on or we'll miss the train." Ginny said. I closed my case and shrunk it down to a size that would fit into my pocket. We walked out of the down the stairs and into the train station in Hogsmeade we boarded the train and put our trunks up in the overhead compartment and sat down.
"When we get off the train follow me and I know where we meet Lucius and Narcissa. Tonks owled me this morning and she has been there for a week so she will be there too." I said.
"I can't wait." Ginny said. She put her feet up on the couch beside he and payed down. I did the same on the opposite couch. I opened my book and Ginny opened a copy of The Quibbler. We were reading the whole way there. When the train came to a stop I had a grin on my face. I grabbed Ginny's hand and pulled her up. I shrunk our trunks again and put them in my pocket. We ran off the train through the wall and to the spot where we were to meet Lucius, Narcissa and Tonks. I ran and hugged them Lucius first.
"Ahh there's my favourite ball of annoying energy." He said jokingly. I laughed.
"I am not annoying." I said. I hugged Narcissa next.
"Oh darling how nice to see you again. How are you?" She asked me.
"I'm good. How are you?" I said.
"Better now that you lot are back." We hugged again. I hugged Tonks next.
"I haven't seen you in months." I said to her.
"I know. How have you been?" She said.
"Good." I said.

We waited for Blaise and Draco and when they arrived they both hugged Lucius and Narcissa then Draco hugged his cousin and Blaise also hugged Tonks. We all apperated to Malfoy Manor. We showed Ginny to her room. It was right next to mine. We unpacked all of our things. We were talking to Tonks to see how she was doing.
"So what did you tell the Order?" Draco said.
"I couldn't tell them that I was staying with family because my mum died and my only other family is Aunt Narcissa and Aunt Bella, Uncle Rudolphus and Uncle Lucius. So I told them that I was moving to travel the world." She said.
"That's actually really good." Ginny said.
"What's your excuse Gin?" Tonks said.
"Oh I'm staying with Hermione and her aunt, uncle and two cousins." Ginny said.
Tonks laughed.
"When do you get the mark?" Draco asked his cousin.
"Next week." She said excitedly.
"That's great." We all said.
"Thanks." We all said.

After talking for hours, we all decided to go to bed. Bellatrix was coming tomorrow and I couldn't wait. I fell asleep with a smile plastered on my face.

The next morning.

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I slipped out of bed and put my slippers on. I walked down to the dining room and took my usual spot opposite the boys. Ginny sat next to me and Tonks next to Blaise.
"Morning Sunshine." Draco said.
"Piss off!" I grunted.
Blaise handed me my coffee in a extra large cup.
"Thanks Blaise. You are the best." I said before taking a sip. It was so good. I ate my pancakes and drank another 7 coffees. I was fully awake now. We had all finished with our breakfast so we went upstairs to get dressed. When I came down I remembered that Bellatrix would be here at any moment. I smiled.
"Good morning Narcissa." I said as I walked into the room with her in it.
"Good morning dear. How are you?" She asked. She really was like a mother to me.
"Great thanks. How are you?" I said.
"I'm fine." She said.
"What time will Bellatrix and Rudolphus arrive?" I asked.
"They will be here in an hour." She said.
"Ok. I'm gonna go and talk to the others." I said.
"See you in a bit dear." She said.
"Bye." I replied before walking to our wing of rooms. I walked into Ginny's room.
"Bellatrix and Rudolphus will be here soon."I said.
"That's great." Ginny said smiling.
We were talking for ages when Draco popes his head in.
"Bella and Rudolphus are here." He said.
We got up from the floor and walked out.

We were all talking for a few hours. Bella is really cool. She is like the really cool creepy crazy aunt.

The Dark Lord walked in.
"Ahhh Bella Rudolphus. How good to see you again." He said. "Please may I borrow Hermione, Ginny and Tonks in my office?" He said.
The three of is got up and walked down to his office. We knocked on the door and he told us to come in.
"Ok girls if you are going to be spying on the order you actually have to be with the order so you Three have to stay a few days there." He said.
"Yes my lord." We all said together.
"You will leave in 3 days." He said.
"Yes my lord." We said again.
"Dismissed." He said.

We walked out of his office.
"Welcome to hell." Ginny said.
"Were both there yet." Tonks said.
"I know because we're on the highway to hell."

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