Chapter 9

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Hermione POV.
I woke up to my head on something hard. My eyes fluttered open to see Draco sleeping. I smiled a bit and went back to sleep.

A few hours later.

I woke up to someone kissing the top of my head. My eyes fluttered open again. I was still on Draco's shoulder but he was awake now.
"Morning Sunshine." He said.
"Morning." I said yawning. We got up and walked down to breakfast.
"Oh shit." Draco said.
"What?" I asked.
"Were going back to Hogwarts today."
"Oh Merlin I totally forgot."
"Have you packed?" He asked.
"No I'll have to do it really quickly. Have you?" I replied.
"Nope." We finished our breakfast really quickly and woke Blaise and Ginny.
"Guys get up." We said and shook them awake.
"What's up." Ginny said.
"Can we not have 1 more hour?" Blaise asked.
"No. We have to pack. Were going to Hogwarts." I said.
"Shit. I'm up. I'm up." Blaise said Ginny was up too. We all walked out of the room to pack all of our things that are needed to go to Hogwarts, (Books, Robes, muggle clothes, quills and ink).
"GUYS ARE YOU READY TO GO?" We heard Narcissa shout up the stairs.
We all shrunk our trunks and came own the stairs. We gave hugs to the adults and then we apperated to Kings Cross Station. After one last hug we got on the train. The train ride was pretty slow. But when it came to a stop we all made out way up to the castle and into the Great Hall. Me and Ginny sat down. Potter and Weasley came and sat opposite us.
"We need to talk." Potter said.
"What about?" Ginny said.
"I've been having the dreams again. I can see what he is doing. He's looking for a prophecy it's in the department of mystery an the ministry."
"What are we gonna do about it?" I said.
"We need to gather a few students who will go with us and get it. Will you two come as well?" Weasley said.
"Yeah sure." We said.
"Ok we need to find a place where we can practice new spells and master them. Any ideas?" Potter said.
"How about the room of requirement?" I said.
"The what?" Weasley asked.
"The room of requirements also known as the come and go room. It only appears to those who need it the most." I said.
"Who shall we gather?" Ginny asked.
"Well it will be us four and..." I said.
"Neville and Luna." Ginny said.
Potter gave her a confused look.
"What they have been getting better with spells and they are really reliable." She continued. I gave her a look and then she gave me one back that said 'later' so I went with it.
"Yeah guys I'm with Ginny." I said.
"Ok if you say so. I'll go talk to Neville. Harry you go talk to Luna." Weasley said.
"Neville and Luna?" I asked Ginny.
"Well they have more of a chance at getting us caught. So then we get the prophecy." She explained.
"When did you get smart?" I said with a chuckle.
"When I left." She said. We burst into fits of laughter.
Dumbledore said his usual speech and the feast began.

After the feast we went up to the common room. Potter and Weasley came over to us and started to talk.
"We need to plan our every move carefully so that the death eaters won't find out what we are planning." Potter said.
"When and what time?" I said.
"Well if we go in two days and at 7:00 am we will be fine. I'm sure they won't expect it to happen that early." Potter said.
"I'm gonna head to bed. Ginny are you coming?" I said.
"Yeah." She said and came with me.
When we got up there.
"We will wait until they have gone then we will go and meet with the boys." I said. She nodded and we both sat on my bed. I put up a silencing charm so whoever isn't on my bed can't hear a word we're saying.
"Good call on the Neville and Luna thing before." I said.

After an hour Potter and Weasley went to bed. Me and Ginny walked down to The ROR to meet the boys.
When the door appeared we walked in to see Draco and Blaise drinking firewhiskey. There were two glasses still on the table.
"Hiya." I said walking to them. I plopped onto the floor in front of Draco and took one of the glasses off the table and drank from it. I took a piece of parchment out of my bag and a quill and wrote a letter to the Dark Lord. I gave it to Draco and told him to send it to his dad.
We talked for a few hours before we all felt really tired so we all went to bed.
The next morning.
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside the window. I hopped into the shower and then put in my robes. I woke Ginny up and then we went to breakfast. Like usual it was deserted. It was a few first year Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws and then it was Me and Ginny and Blaise and Draco. Blaise handed me my coffee.
"Morning Sunshine." Draco said.
"Piss off." I grunted.
"What are your plans for the day since there are no lessons?" Blaise asked us.
"Well we are going to learn an teach some spells with Neville and Luna, Potter and Weasley." I said.
"Luna and Neville?" Draco said.
"Well if we get caught the prophecy is ours so why not have two people who might just get us caught?" Ginny explained.
"Where will you be practicing?" Blaise asked.
"ROR." I said.
"Cool we might just come and watch." Draco said with a smirk.
"Do what you want just don't get caught." I said.
We walked away ana ate breakfast.

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