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This is unedited, so it might be mistakes.


When I woke up my head was pounding, like my brain was about to explode. My mom knocked on my door and yelled. "Get up, time for breakfast!"

"Ugh, mom stop yelling." I groaned and covered my ears. Mom gave me a confused look. "But I wasn't yelling?"

"Oh.. Then it was probably all in my head." I sighed, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I felt like I was on fire this morning. I came downstairs after getting washed and dressed, joining my parents at the table. 

"So are you planning on doing anything today?" My mother asked with a smile. My dad sat there, coffee mug in hand reading a news paper. I nodded. "Um, yeah.. I was supposed to go somewhere with a guy named Eren."

"Oooh, like a date?" Mom had a teasing tone. I looked down at my food. "Uh.. Something like that, I guess."

My dad was surprisingly silent. Usually when it comes to boys he's all strict but it's like he doesn't care at all. He was just reading the news paper. I ate rather quickly and got up and brushed my teeth then went out the door. There I saw Eren leaning against the tree (in his human form) with his hands in his jacket pockets. 

"Hey Eren, you ready to head to the Zoo?" I ask and stood a good 10 steps away from him. He nodded and pushed himself off the tree. "What exactly do people do at a Zoo?"

"We just look at the animals." I replied. Eren gasped slightly. "Do we get to eat the animals?" 

"What? No." I shook my head, walking forward. Eren followed behind me, looking at his surroundings. Everything seemed so loud today, I didn't understand honestly. About 20 minutes later we reached the Zoo, looking at the map. "Which animal do you wanna see first?" 

"Hmm.. How about the bison?" He suggested. I nodded and walked down the path, seeing occasional chipmunks running around, and birds flying to the ground. Once we reached the spot, Eren and I walked around a few people to get a good look at the large animal. The bison was casually walking around slowly while munching it's food. 'That bison looks pretty good to eat- Wait what am I saying?'

"(Y/N), are you okay? You spaced out." Eren spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded and turned around and headed to the reptile house, where they held all the snakes, lizards, etc. The smell was pretty strong, but then again we're in a zoo so there would be all different kinds of smells. I bent down a little bit see a tiny snake poke its head out of the log and poke its tongue out. 

I also noticed a bit of the skin it had shed. I walked away from that snake to a large iguana resting on a branch. Eren squinted his eyes. "What the hell is that thing?" 

"It's an iguana. See?" I pointed to the sign that had the species and facts about it. Eren put his hand on the glass, leaning closer. "Wow that thing is huge! All I see are the tiny little lizards around the woods. They taste terrible, but they're fun to catch."

"Well I've never tasted a lizard before so I'll take your word for it." I told him. That sounded gross anyway, I would never eat a lizard. Eren and I moved onto the large tortoises moving around slowly, munching on lettuce. 

"That is a very big turtle." Eren mumbled, gawking at the size. He's like a child, seeing everything for the first time. I chuckled and shook my head. "It's actually a tortoise, it's different from turtles." 

"How? They look the same to me." He now sounded confused. I looked over to him. "The difference is tortoises live on land, while turtles live in the water some or nearly all of the time." 

"Oooohhh. Wow I never knew I had a smart mate."

"The more you know, Eren." I pat his shoulder, then pulled him out of the reptile house. Outside next to it was a small section of water, and it had a fence around it. I understood why because a crocodile's head was sticking out. It seemed to just be chilling there. 

We went to see other animals like the elephant, zebra, cheetah, lions, bears, monkeys, apes, tigers, and more. There was still a bunch to look at, but Eren seemed interested in the kid farm because he spotted a large black and white animal with a brown and white animal. I later explained to him those were cows. One was a Ayrshire cattle and the other was a Holstein Friesian cattle. 

"Wow, they're bigger from what I expected."

"Trust me, the Texas longhorns are probably way bigger due to the horns. Never saw one before, but I don't think I want to." I shook my head and went over to the baby goats that were on a small playground. 

"What are those fluffy things?" Eren pointed across from the baby goats. I hummed, "Those are alpacas." 

We explored the rest of the farm to see pigs, and chickens then went back to the main part of the Zoo, which was by the pandas. 

"Do they have wolves here?"

"Yeah they do, but it's only two. Wolves are pretty hard to get these days."

We both walked until we reached the wolf habitat where one grey haired wolf was laying down, glaring at a few kids behind the glass while the white haired wolf was walking around. The grey haired one looked around until they reached Eren's eyes. It looked like they were having a silent conversation. 

"What're you doing Eren?" I whispered to him. "Talking to him through a mind-link." Eren answers quietly. "(Y/N) we have to get them out of there, he doesn't want his pups to be born in captivity."

"Wait- What are you suggesting here, Eren? We break them out?" I said jokingly, but the look on his face said he was serious. My eyes widened, "You want to break them out don't you? Are you crazy? We could get arrested!" I whisper-yelled so nobody would overhear. 

"But (Y/N)..." Eren whined. "They look so miserable. Wolves belong in the wild, not in captivity. We're already endangered as it is."

"So does all these other animals in here but we can't exactly do nothing about it."

"C'mon (Y/N), us wolves have to stick together. We won't get caught, I promise." He looked up me with puppy eyes.

I groaned and rubbed my temple with my hand. "You're going to be the death of me Eren."

Howl (Wolf!Eren Jaeger x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now