Masky Cheesecake Romance

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My name is Alice VanoloreSalla i am a Dirty blonde but at the end of my long hair is black tips. I don't know why it does this, i also i have Hazel eye's but they sometimes change to gold, brown, green, and sometimes other colors. any way i have freckle's on my  nose. I like to where Goth/Hipster/nerd like clothing. Some People call me strange but i don't care. i am 17 turning 18 this fall. I where my favorite Hoody its grey with a cross on its back and a thing in the front to cover my nose and mouth when is cold out.

I'm in High School, in the worst period and last one... of the day English, now this may sound  dumb but my English teacher is Mrs. Gretchen a Rude lady in her mid 40's  who literally smacks kids with her hand and scratches them making them bleed. I sit by the window looking out. I notice a figure in a mask and try to ignore the figure, who is standing near the park which is really close to where i live. I look at him more to see its a male figure staring right at me. I draw his picture he is wearing a orange-ish like jacket and some jeans.

"Eh mm Ms. VanoloreSalla." Ms Gretchen spoke in her old voice.

"Yes? Mrs. Gretchen is something wrong?" i said looking at her

"Would you like to show the class you Picture?" She said looking at me in those vile snake like eye's.

"No, and i will stop drawing" i say trying to put the picture away, looking at the window the figure is now on school property next to a tree still looking at me and the teacher.

"Oh no no no, You should show the class, and stop looking out the window!. she said grabbing my arm and digging her nails into my arm as well. I walked up at the in front of the class and everyone saw the picture it was very detailed. until....

"EMO HIPSTER FREAK!" yelled a kid

"Freak" said another.

"Loser Go back Home Dork" Yelled another then some one threw paper ball at me i closed my eyes so and braced for in pact, before i could i knew it i caught it with my eye's close. thank god the bell rang. Because i Grabbed my stuff and Ran out, End of the day.

I ran to the park because it clears my head and its near my house. Tears Swelling in my eyes I couldn't help myself. I tripped and fell on my hands and knee's. I cry even more sitting down i hear leaves crush behind me worried it was more kids i grab my phone to record and pocket knife.

"So its the Freak! Get her!" said a kid in my class, i look to see for of them.

"stay back I'm warning you! i yell at them. Then something in me lit like a fire, as two boys come to grab me. The fire in me Grows, I stab one in the arm as he grabs my arm the other i kick in the balls  and grab his head and smash into the ground.

"W-w.. what the f-f-Fuck are you?.." one stammers crying.

"Your worst enemy, and you ticked me off. i replay then i take the one or leader by the coller with one arm i lift him off the ground and throw him at the the one  charging me. They ran off crying and bleeding i walk off crying and tired.

halfway home i stop for a breather.

"well you are a good fighter Alice". 

"who was that? i said looking around.

"me." said A guy behind me wearing a mask and orange jacket.

"You...  you, i saw you watching me at school! who are you!" i said.

"I'm masky, don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you! but you were a monster out there" he said i think he was smiling i couldn't tell.

"How do you know my name! and I'm not a monster i just.. don't know what came over me." i said looking down.

"I know what happened but i must take you somewhere!" he said lending his hand out to me.

"I need to tell my mom she will get worrie-" before i could Finnish my sentence he knocked me out.

CLIFF HANGER hey whats up its 9BlackAce's here so yeah cliff hangers Cya *dissapers into a deck of cards* 

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