jacks pov

i watched the trembling girl before me beg for me to stop. Seeing her in pain only made me happier. I continued kicking her and beating the shit out of this lowlife woman. Bringing her back to Woodbury was perfect. Sure I had to share her with Phillip, but it was part of our agreement. I could do anything I wanted to this bitch. She was at my complete mercy. I looked down at the beaten and trembling woman. She had blood and bruises all over her body. I only kept her In Her bra and underwear. Clothes are for humans and this girl was my dog. She wasn't worthy of clothes. Damn whore. Plus keeping her only in her underwear made it easy for when I wanted her. I was satisfied with my work for the day. Hell I knew phil and that redneck would have their fun with her later....what was his name? Merle maybe? I scoffed, gave her one last kick and exited the room.

daryls pov

The next morning, I made my way to ricks cell. I found Rick sitting on his cot starring at the wall. He'd really taken it hard since loris death and kayla being gone. He needed to grow up though, he now had Carl and little ass kicker to take care of. He noticed I was there and looked up to me,

"Something's not right Rick"

He sighed and looked at me with hurt in his eyes,

" daryl she's dead. You have to let go."

"Rick she could be alive! We dont have a body! She could be hurt!" I whisper yelled.

" no daryl she's not. Look I know first hand what you're goin through. When someone you care ab..." He said but I cut him off.

I got up off the cot angry,"dammit Rick! Get ahold of yourself! She may need us! She needs her father!"I got close to his face,

he got pissed," he died a long time ago! Don't you see! I failed at being a husband! I failed at keeping that promise to her dad! If there was any way, any possibility at all to bring her back I would! But I we can't daryl! I know how your feeling!"

"you know nothin" he stood his ground but said nothing.

I sighed and sat down defeated. He sat next to me.

"If I would've been by her she'd still be here. I'm so stupid Rick. I promised her I'd keep her safe." I started getting tears in my eyes but shook em real quick so he couldn't see.

He rubbed his hand on my back. I shrugged him off, I wasn't a softie.

"I think shes still out there."I said softly.

" look I know you want to believe, to hope. Unfortunately there is no way to get the women we love back. Just try to move on ok? She'd want you to." Rick said.

I was gettin annoyed, he wasn't going to help me. I got up and went back to my perch. I picked up her shirt and held onto it.

" what happened to you kayla?" I whispered to myself.

I decided I was going to stay up and solve this mystery myself. The next morning i went back to where we found carol. This time I went further. I looked for anything that would give me some form of a clue. My heart stopped when I saw something. I bent down and picked up her dads gun. My hope began to fade, I knew she wouldn't leave this even if she died trying. I shook those thoughts out of my head.p and put the gun in my belt. I had to know where she was. I continued following the hall till I came to a door. I opened it and it led me to the outside. I was now behind the prison. I looked around everywhere.

"kayla!" I yelled. No response.

dammit. I kept looking until something caught my eyes. The grass was messed up in the shape of a boot. I followed it to a hole in the fence. She made it out! she could be alive! I kept following the tracks until they stopped. I looked around confused.

"kayla!" I whisper yelled. Nothing.

I sighed and just about gave up until something caught my eye. If the sun wouldn't have been shining on it, probably wouldn't have seen it. I bent down and grabbed the object while whipping off the mud on it. Her locket. She was here, but something happened. I looked around for anymore clues. I noticed more tracks. 2 now. Ones that looked like hers and ones that belonged to someone else. There was definitely a struggle. She was alive and needed help I looked ahead and saw more tracks, I could follow them. I put the locket in my pocket and ran back to the prison to get help. I busted through the door and yelled,


Ricks p.o.v

Trying to get over someone is probably the hardest thing I've ever done. Especially when it came to Lori. I was looking at Carl holding his baby sister. I still can't fully look at Judith without seeing Lori. I bet kayla would have loved her too. That's just another person I felt I was responsible for their death. I really took to her as my daughter. I kick myself in the ass because all I did was use her for dangerous situations. I was taking it hard, the group was taking it hard, daryl probably was the most. Carl was taking it real hard. He lost the two most important women in his life just like that. I haven't been much of a help being out of it since Lori. He was forced to grow up way to fast. I'm looking at my 13 year old boy, holding his few day old sister. He looks at me, but doesn't smile. He just looked away. I hadn't held Judith yet and I was her father. I walked into the cell,


He looks back to to me and I hold out my arms signaling him to hand Judith to me. He smiles And puts her in my arms. I smile down at my baby girl and sit down on the cot in the room, Carl sits next to me. We are silent for a bit and tears form in my eyes.

"I miss her dad." Carl sighs.

"I do too buddy. You know how much your mom loved you." I said.

"Not her." He said.

I stopped looking At the baby and looked to him startled and confused. He sighed,

" kayla"

"I know buddy, I do too." I responded.

I knew Carl loved kayla. She gave more attention to him than Lori did in the end. Tears slid down my sons cheeks. I quickly got up and put Judith in our homemade crib and quickly back to Carl. I leaned down to his height and put my hand on his shoulder,

" hey, hey. No need for tears. She wouldn't want you to be crying."

"Dad I want her back." He cried.

"Shhh. You know how much she loved you. But you know what you have another sister now and she's gonna need you Carl." I was trying my hardest to comfort him without myself crying.

He nodded through his tear and hugged me. I was startled at first, but hugged back. We were both crying and when he pulled away I wiped my eyes.

"Dad?" He asked.

I looked to him.

"Can Judith's middle name be may?" He asked weakly.

"May? Why may?" I asked confused.

I looked deep into his tear filled eyes,"that was Kayla's middle name."

My eyes felt tears again,

"that's perfect"

he smiled weakly and hugged me again.

"Rick!" I hear daryl scream.

Carl and I jump. Something was terribly wrong.

"Carl stay in here with your sister."

​He nodded and I ran

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now