Back in Cali.

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*Still on the plane*

Bridgette laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. While she was asleep I was listening to music, trying to relax before we got back to busy L.A. I wanted to do something special for Bridgette before we go to Playlist. I kinda wanted to spend a day, just us, together. I sat there trying to think of what we should do, I wanted something where it would be just us and we didn’t have to worry about our friends or fans being around. So I thought, how about I make dinner at her place one night and we could sit around, watch movies and just hang out. If not that idea we could do something she wanted to do. I just sat there daydreaming for the last part of our 4 hour flight. The flight attendant announced that we were about to land in L.A. so I woke up Bridgette, and she didn’t seem to happy about that. I kissed her forehead and then she looked up at me and smiled. It was a cute little smile, the kind that if you saw it, it would brighten your day. Well it did mine, but it always does. We sat there for the remainder of the flight, just laughing at each other.

*Flash forward 4 days*

Bridgette POV

It was 6:30 am and I was getting ready for school. I made coffee, and got dressed, I put on a white cami, a big loose cardigan, some denim shorts, and put on my white converse. I then put my hair in a loose fishtail, and applied a little makeup.  I then went back into my kitchen and made me some cereal, a cup of coffee and sat down and started to eat. I then decide to check my calendar to what I had planned for the day. Shoot after school for Awesomeness TV, then a meeting until 9:30 pm. I knew it would be a long day, it was now Thursday and I haven’t seen or talked to Joey since Monday, I felt really bad about that to. I finished my breakfast and grabbed my backpack and left my house and headed to school. It was a 35 minute drive, with music playing and my window rolled down just trying to clear my head. I finally arrived at school and got out and headed into my first class of the day.  1 hour and 45 minutes had passed then I had a 15 minute break between classes so I went to Starbucks with a couple of my friends. We ordered our drinks and walked to our last classes of the day. Another 2 hours later I was ready to take a nap, but instead I had to go to Awesomeness TV. So I got in the car and drove over to the studio. Once at the studio I found out I was filming with Jenn and Ricky. We filmed a skit and I was then on my way to my meeting. On the way there my phone went off, it was a text, from Joey. I didn’t read it until I got to my meeting. I got to the parking lot and read the text, it said:

Joey: Hey babe, I know you're busy and all but I just wanted to let you know that I miss spending time with you. If you’re not too busy this weekend, would you want to go out or something? if not its ok. Love you and I hope you’ve had a good day, :)

Reading that made me tear up a little. I quickly responded:

Bridgette: I don’t have school or anything going on tomorrow. So maybe we can spend time tomorrow? I love you to and miss you. :)

I sent the text and then went into my meeting. I was asked when I walked in “Why my eyes we’re red and puffy.” I told them “ It’s been a long, tough week. And I just got a text from my boyfriend. So yeah, that’s why I’m like this, sorry.” they then told me to go and see Joey, and that we didn’t have to have the meeting. I told them Thank you and I left. I went back to my car, started to get a little emotional. I then got myself back together and called Joey.

Joey POV

I just texted Bridgette, and I was just at home, laying on the couch. Sawyer had left, so I was alone, which I didn’t care about. I just really wanted to be with her, but I know she’s busy with everything. I know this is what makes her happy, so I’m ok with it. I went upstairs and got on Tumblr, I was on for about 15 minutes before my phone started to ring.

Joey: Hello.

Bridgette: Hey babe.

Joey: Hey, I thought you were at a meeting?

Bridgette: They told me that I should spend time with you, so I thought we could spend time together tonight, possibly?

Joey: Yes, I would love that.

I started to smile. I was so happy I got to see her tonight.

Bridgette: I’ll be over in about 30 minutes, see you then.

Joey: Ok, I love you.

Bridgette: I love you to.

I hung up the phone and cleaned up a bit before she got here. I picked up my room then I just waited for her to get here. I decided to get on Twitter and tweet.

“Hey, Im so freakin happy atm Yay!!!!”

Then I just went and checked everything on Twitter for 10 minutes then went to the bathroom to see how I looked. I usually wouldn’t care, but I haven’t seen her in almost a week and I didn’t want to look like a hot mess. I just put on my snapback and a tank top and kept on my basketball shorts. By the time I was done I heard the doorbell ring so I sprinted down the stairs and tripped down the last couple of them. Once I got back to my feet I opened the door quickly and saw her standing there, right in front of me. I started to smile and then let her in. She came in and I closed the door behind her, and we made our way upstairs to my room.

Bridgette POV

We went up to his room and sat on his bed and started to talk.

Bridgette: I’m so sorry Joey.

Joey: What are you talking about?

Bridgette: I’m sorry that I’ve been so busy that I don’t even have time to spend with my own boyfriend.

I started to cry a little, this was turning out to be a horrible week because I kept crying. Joey pulled me into his arms and rested his head on mine and whispered “Don’t be sorry, it’s all going to be ok, ok?” I was still crying all over his tanktop and I let out little “ok.” Then Joey pulled my head away from his chest and looked into my eyes before saying “I love you, to the moon and back.” then he pulled me in for a kiss. Once we both pulled away I put my head back on his chest, it felt nice right there being able to hear his heartbeat.

Joey: Are you ok?

Bridgette: Yea, I just like this.

Joey: I do to.

Joey POV

I wasn’t in the most comfortable position but I knew she liked sitting like this. I feel like she knew I was uncomfortable so the we then re-adjusted ourselves, with my head on my pillow and her’s on my chest. We laid that way for an hour and a half until I heard a faint snoring coming from Bridgette. I got up and laid her head on the other pillow and I went downstairs. I grabbed a glass of water and saw Sawyer and went to talk to him.

Sawyer: Hey.

Joey; Hey.

Sawyer: What have you been up to?

Joey: Not much, laying in bed with Bridgette.

Sawyer: I didn’t know she was here?

Joey: Yeah she came over about 2 hours ago and she fell asleep.

Sawyer: Ahh, well at least you got to see her.

Joey: True. Well I’m goin’ to head back up there, Night.

Sawyer: Night.

I went back upstairs and brushed my teeth, put my retainer in and got into bed and plugged in Bridgette’s phone. I then unlocked mine and tweeted “I had an amazing night with my girl, Goodnight everyone.” after that tweet was posted I plugged in my phone and just layed in bed thinking. Thinking about today, how good of a day it was. I got to see Bridgette and spend time with her tonight and knowing that tomorrow I would get to spend some more time with her. That made me feel like the happiest man ever!

Authors note

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it took forever to write and srry its not up on Sunday like usual.

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