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"What do we do with him?"

"How did he even get in? I didn't hear him."

"Must've gotten the spare key from under the mat."

"Damnit Izzie I told you to put it under the flower pot."

The two adults bickering to each other as they both watched Derek's snoring form, he was sprawled out across the couch, his mouth hanging open, and a small amount of drool coming from his mouth, he was also drenched in water.

Izzie had stumbled out that morning to get some toast before work when she saw the man fast asleep on the couch, his car no where to be found but the keys were evident on the table next to him.

The two friends shared odd looks when George came down the steps, his toothbrush still hanging from his mouth and excess around his lips, his hair a scraggy mess, resembling a mop.

George gave Meredith a questioning look when she walked down the steps, baby Bailey in her arms and an annoyed expression already cemented onto her face, growing into a deep frown when she looked at Derek on the couch, there was no shock in her eyes indicating she knew how and when he got there.

"Mer? Care to explain this?" Izzie crossed her arms with playfulness cursed in her words.

Meredith groaned as she set the baby into his high chair, situating him with a few Cheerios before rolling her eyes at the man on the couch, ruining the cushions with his wet clothing.

"Oh yeah," she sassed, "He called me last night and it didn't take me long to realize that he was drunk and outside, he was practically screaming, the sprinklers were on and he was too drunk to move so hence the water all over the carpet."

Izzie and George looked at the slight trail going from the front door to the couch, they both nodded coming to the conclusion of Meredith's story.

"That's not all," she continued. "He tried to kiss me, telling me all this stuff about how he still loved me, he was drunk and probably didn't mean it, but it still hurt that he would say all this stuff when he's with another woman. Can you just show him out when he wakes up?"

"Of course Mer, you don't plan to stay?" Izzie gave her friend a pity look.

"Oh I plan to do one thing before I go."

The two watched as she went to the cupboard and grabbed a glass, filling it with water before strutting back to the living room, standing directly over Derek who was still fast asleep.

Meredith rose the glass and dumped all its contents on top of his head, making him wake up with a gasp, clutching his chest, Bailey laughing at the scene watching his father look around in complete confusion.

"Let's go baby." Meredith cooed to her only child, picking him up and heading out of the house.

Derek gave a squinted look to Izzie and George who were stood in shock by the scene, holding back laughs at their former boss who was still bewildered on how he got here.

"Hi?" He waved with awkwardness.

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