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Months had passed by, the calendar just kept turning and days flew like they were feathers in the wind. Every morning when Meredith would wake up, she'd think of him.

After the third month apart from him, she started throwing up and feeling dizzy. Meredith was sure she was dying, but Christina always joked that she was pregnant.

Now that Meredith thought about it, it could actually be true. The thing that scared her the most was how would she take care of a child, with her job. With no husband.

Meredith groaned, twisting and turning on her bed not wanting to leave the safe cocoon she'd created. The blankets cool throughout the night, entangling her body in them like a pea in a pod.

"Maybe there is a pea in the pod." Meredith thought quietly, scared her roommates would hear her through the walls.

Looking to her alarm clock that read, 5:30 am, she knew it was time to get up. With one giant swing, Meredith wiggled out of bed putting on suitable clothes for work, simple and not too colorful.

Her pants felt tight today, maybe she was bloated. It had to be, right?

Walking into the intern locker, Meredith searched for Cristina. The one person she needed help from right now.

Once Meredith found Cristina brushing her hair in the mirror, she pulled the woman aside into the bathroom. Locking the doors and checking to make sure no one occupied any stalls.

Meredith wore a terrified face as she looked back at Cristina. She developed a pace as she begun to talk,

"I think you might be right."

"About what?" Cristina said completely oblivious as she continued to brush her hair.

"The morning sickness, the dizziness. How my pants are starting not to fit, I thought I was just getting fat," Meredith smacked her forehead for being so stupid.

"Wait. Are you saying-" Cristina started, and then gave her friend a mischievous look.

The hairbrush was put down as Cristina walked over to Meredith, holding her shoulders in place. Forcing her friend to look into her eyes, and tell her the truth.

"I think I might be pregnant," Meredith finally admitted out loud, feeling out of breath.

"Whose the baby daddy?" Cristina went on unfazed, and curious as to who Meredith has been with.

"It has to be Derek, I haven't been with anyone else," Meredith's worried face set still.

"The same Derek that left you for his wife, that he left but then left for again?" Cristina tried to clarify the whole situation, to get the whole-truth.

All Meredith could do was nod, emotions clotting up in her throat. Making it almost impossible to keep her breathing normal.

"Okay, stay here. I'll go get the tests. Be right back," Cristina muttered before running out of the door, leaving Meredith exactly how she felt. Alone.

A few minutes of pacing the bathroom and ignoring angry knocks at the door, Cristina cam back and Meredith was sitting on the toilet. Five different pregnancy tests freshly taken.

With the swing of the stall, Meredith came out holding all five tests and laying them out on the counter.

The reality of how stupidly she fell in love, how blind and weak it made her. How her feelings got in the way of reality. Derek made her feel safe, and loved. That she'd never be alone ever again, she could picture a future with him. But he left, and she could possibly have to start a family on her own.

"These are the longest two minutes of my life, distract me," Meredith's sullen voice attacking Cristina.

"I found out that Burke doesn't want us to be together anymore. Gets in the way of work, how he puts it," Cristina spoke unfazed by the breakup.

"I'm sorry," Meredith apologized, without pity.

"It's fine. I just thought we had something. You know?" Cristina went tight-lipped after she finished her sentence.

"Yeah I do," Meredith admitted. Remembering how hard she had fallen for Derek.

The two minutes passed and Meredith refused to look at the tests, she distanced herself so she couldn't see. If it was positive, what would she do? She wouldn't have the courage to call? Ruin his life even more, no. She wouldn't do that, not after he made his decision.

"Cristina you look," Meredith insisted, her voice trembling with nerves.

Cristina rose her brows in curiosity. Picking up the five tests, by their clean end. Her dark chocolate eyes scanning it all the way until it reached the results. A mild smirk appeared,

"Mer...." Cristina looked up to her friend with an expressionless face.

"Yeah..." Meredith responded, fearful of what was to come next.

"Their positive. You're McPregnant!"

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