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"So...what are you doing back in Seattle?" Honestly Meredith didn't know what to say to Derek, he'd completely shown up out of the blue and she was having mixed feelings about the situation.

I missed you too much, he wanted to say.

"Came to see some friends." He responded.

Meredith nodded her head, everything about the situation becoming awkward. She wanted to hug him, punch him, maybe even kiss him...no, he broke her heart, he doesn't just get to come back and steal it again.

She knew it was a lie, but she didn't care too much if he lied or not. She knew he didn't have many friends here and the ones he did, Meredith knew they were nothing more than an acquaintance.

"How've you been?" She asked politely, she had an hour before she had to be anywhere, and inside she did want to know if he missed her, even if she didn't want that.

Miserable, tired, missing you, he thought in his head.

"I've been good, I see you have a kid now so you seem to be doing fine." He blurted out, not realizing that she didn't know he saw her child the other day, he'd confessed that he'd been following her yesterday.

"Yeah...um, about that-"

"Mer! Augustus is on the phone!" Izzie came out of the house, holding the home phone and awkwardly shifting when she noticed Derek sitting next to her friend.

"Tell him to text me, I'm busy!" Meredith yelled back, not noticing Derek's triumphant grin.

She'd chosen him over whoever that Augustus guy was, and it made him feel superior.

"What were we talking about?" She asked him.

"The baby..." he sighed, here it was, the moment she'd tell him that it was someone else's and that she was in a happy relationship, moved on from him and doing just fine.

There was no way he could prepare himself to hear that, his hands grew sweaty and his stomach filled with butterflies that pounced against the walls of him stomach.

His sea blue eyes were trained on her.

"The babies name is Bailey," Meredith started.

"What a wonderful name." He commented.

"Thank you, but the babies father is-"

"You don't have to tell me." He blurted, cutting her off. Derek didn't want to here anything more about Augustus and how he had a child with the woman he loved.

Little did Derek know that Augustus had only worked at the hospital for the past three months and couldn't of been with Meredith, he didn't know that so he assumed he'd been there longer and he didn't want to hear it.

Derek stood up with Meredith watching him with partial sadness, but also anger rising up.

"Don't you want to know?" She asked, following him as he started shuffling back to his Porsche.

"I-I this was a mistake, I don't know why I came back here, I'm sorry for invading your life."


"You have a right to know!" She screamed over his excuses as to why he shouldn't of come, all of them hurt her deeper than he knew, but he didn't know the reason.

"What?" He stopped in his tracks, "What do you mean?"

"You have a right to know because...because the baby, Bailey, he's yours Derek. He's yours, if you'd have listened to me, you never answered my calls! All my attempts to tell you, I tried so hard to speak with you, but you, yet again left me with silence. So, go ahead, drive off back to New York for all I care, but just know that oh have a son who could use you."

With tears burning, Meredith turned around leaving Derek to his car, filled with thousands of different emotions, as she walked back inside her house, locking the door behind her.

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