14 - Confess

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It was Tuesday, and I was going to confess. I had nothing to lose, but everything to gain, so screw it.

I was at my locker, waiting, when I saw him.

...With another girl.

He was holding her hand.

"Uh... hi?" I said, confused and pained.

"Annyeong little Jiyeong!" He greeted. "This is Grace.~ Yesterday, I was assigned to help her around the school, since she moved here from America... and now... I love her.~"

"Hi!" She said. "Jiyeong?"

I nodded, slowly. "Uh, yeah. I, uh, got to go."

I rushed to the bathroom, already silently sobbing. I didn't care about anything except him. That bastard who didn't tell me, and that girl.

I thought it was going to be okay...

But I wasn't. Instead, I was angry.

I locked myself in a bathroom stall, and full out sobbed, drowning in my own salty tears. My eyes became puffy, I tasted the tears, and my throat clenched up. I didn't notice. I screamed.

Someone knocked on the stall door. "H-hullo?"

I sniffled. "What."

"Are... are you okay?" It was a sweet, innocent voice. A true one.

"Not exactly," I said, with a tinge of sarcasm. "Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Sunjinham.~ Is it okay if you come out..?"

I sniffled once more, wiped my eyes, and stood up from the toilet.

Opening the door, I saw her. A beautiful girl, with long, black hair that she wore down. Her eyes were big, but unusually, green. She had small, cute lips.

I thought I was lesbian for a moment.

"Annyeonghaseyo," I said. "I'm.. Jiyeong."

She smiled weakly. "Nice to meet you.~ Would you like to tell me what happened..?"

"You swear you won't t-tell?"

She nodded quickly, and I saw the truth in her eyes. I trusted her.

Taking a deep breath, and exhaling, I spilled out everything. From how Hobi and I met to now, and how changed me from the typical rich, popular girl to a humble one.

After I told Sunjiham, she smiled. "You'll be fine. It must be the worst, but once you won't cry in front of him, maybe consider confessing."

"I was going to," I said, with wide eyes. She had fantastic advice. I shook my head. "But I'm scared."

"That's why you might have to take a break from him." She paused. "Want to be friends?"

I nodded, and cried into her shoulder. We were the same height, I realized.

She rubbed my back.

We were going to be friends. Hobi and I will hopefully be more.


Depression at it's best.

I luv uuuuuu, and imma write. Byyyyeeeee

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