7 - Lunch Bicker

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Hobi and I were given odd looks from our fellow students as we walked the halls. I could just imagine what they were whispering:

"Omg, it's the nerdy couple again."

"Girl, did you hear what happened in gym last period?"

"Ugh they are so weird. And what happened to the guy? Whatever, let's get lunch."

Yeah, I think it's pretty accurate.

Slightly rushing, we made our way to our lockers, which were right beside each other. I took out my lunch bag, as did Hobi, and we headed to the cafeteria that was serving the others slop. I mean, it was mashed potatoes, and I liked them. But not the school ones.

I cursed under my breath when I spotted Sseong-Eun.

"Hey," Hobi said, and put an arm over me. "It's okay. They're just jerks." He messed up my hair.

I sighed. "I know... but jerks who go to the same school as us!"

He went in front of me, and cupped my face. "You are the cutest when you pout."

I snorted. "Whatever."

"Hey, it's Mr.Tough Guy and his pet girl," Sseong-Eun yelled. "The girl thinks she can play innocent, but... well, I don't need to explain."

"Those words belong in your ass, because they're so bad!" I shouted back, and held up the middle finger.

The jerk's face suddenly grew grim. "I know you still love me."

"Tell that to your mom," I mumbled.

Hobi and I sat down on a bench.

His eyes were wide open. "You have some guts, Jiyeong.~"

I giggled sheepishly. "Thanks. But I should be saying that to you!"

He looked down, hiding a smile. "It was nothing."

"Mhm," I said, not buying it, and munched on my sandwich.

"So," Hobi began. "Bring your textbooks to detention?"

I nodded. "Jiyeong approves!"

He chuckled. "Cuuutttiiiieee.~"

We smiled at each other again.


Okay, so I wanted to end there, because something really big is gonna happen in the next chapter.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lololol just be prepared. (May need holy water!)

Okayy, byyyyyyeeeeee

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