13 - Oh God

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It was Monday, and I texted Hobi.

Me: "Dude. Do you remember what happened last night?"

Hobi: "Surprisingly, no. What happened?"

Me: "-_- You were drunk."

Hobi: "...Oh. I'll talk to you at school."

Me: Fine, but you better explain.

Maybe he was drunk because he was done with me always nagging him. Maybe he hated me, after all.

I pushed the horrible thought out of my head, got dressed in the school uniform, and washed up.

On the last step of the stairs, I said bye to my parents.

But of course they stopped me.

"Are you sure you're not lesbian?" Eomma asked. "It's fine if you are."

"I've told you before! I'm not."

"Sure," Appa continued. "If you aren't lying, then, you're probably with that boy who lives next door." He grunted.

"What? We're best friends!" Unfortunately only th-

Oh stop it, Jiyeong's mind!


I left without another word, angry that they still think I'm lying. Sure, I would keep my love interests to myself, since they never understand, but still.

Ugh. I'm pathetic, I thought.


Hobi was at his locker when I entered school grounds.

"Tell me," I said.

He turned to me, and groans, rubbing his forehead. "Nice to see you too."

"Pfft. What's with you?"

"I didn't know hangovers could be so painful for a first time."

"What? You think because it's your first that the drunk fairy will let you off?" I spat, only half-teasing.

He makes a grunt noise.

"And I thought you were the happy one! Why were you drunk?" I asked.

Hobi looked at his feet.

"Tell me!"

He sighed, and looked at me. Butterflies flew through my insides. "You know how I told you about my parents?"

I nodded. In grade 8, Hobi told me that his parents fight, cheat on each other, and buy drugs. It was awful, and my eyes began to blur.

"They fought again. So I left and got drunk."

I hugged him. "God, I'm sorry, Hobi."

He hugged back. "It's okay. Really it's my fault."

Then, he lifted my chin so I could see his smile. Unintentionally, I looked down at his full, pink lips. They were so close to mine. I couldn't take it, so I leaned in, and-

"I didn't know two nerds had courage to kiss each other."

We looked in the hall, only to see Min Yoongi. I backed away from Hobi.

"That's a lame insult." I rolled my eyes, fighting back the feeling of disappointment.

"What? Do I have to swear so baby Jiyeong will cry?" He smirked.

"Shut up, Yoongi," Hobi butt in. "If you're going to make stupid insults for us, you're the baby?" He grabbed my hands and pulled me through the hallway.

"Saving his girlfriend?" I heard snickers. "And never mess with my friend Sseong-Eun again!"

Tears distorted my vision, but I saw that Hobi was taking me to class.

What a great way to start the day.


The day went on as usual, but when Hobi was in every class with me, in front of my seat, I couldn't help but stare. Sometimes I would poke him on the back repeatedly or make a unicorn horn out of his tiny hairs. He only turned back a little and smiled.

God, he made me lose it. He was so perfect.

And I was about to ruin our relationship.


That was a short part, but I have like, no inspiration 👌🏻👌🏻 applaud anyways lmao

K byyyyeeeeee

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