12 - Drunk

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I woke up next to a drooling Hobi on his side, and smiled. He was too precious! God, I lo-

I MEAN I love him as a friend. Only that.

Suddenly, the friend's eyes fluttered open, and he grinned back at me. "Morningggg, nooonnnaaa.~"

I backed up a bit, to give each other a bit of space. "Morning, lil guy. We should go wash up."

He nodded, got up, and went to one of the eleven bathrooms we had.

"Yah! Just wait!" I closed the door, changed into some casual clothes, and got out.

I passed a door, where Hobi was washing his face with soap. He turned to me, covered with the soap. (kookiewby
͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It was a ridiculous sight, and I giggled. "Stay up here while I get breakfast. My parents aren't up, but if they wake up... well, you know."

"True," he mumbled, trying not to get soap in his mouth. "Anything will be fine.~"

I nodded, and set off downstairs, realizing my heart was pounding.

What is wrong with me?


The next day, on Sunday, Hobi texted me.

Hobi: "I loooovvveeee yoouuu Jiiiyyeeooonng.~"

I could hear his slurred words.

Me: "You're drunk, Hoseok."

Hobi: No! You are! Hwehwehwe

Me: Ugghhh... what happened?

To be honest, I was panicking. Hobi never drank, so why did he do it? Did someone else make him do it? My mind was dizzy with questions, and my stomach kept anxiously flipping.

Hobi: I doonntt knooowmwkendjkssn

Me: Hoseok. Where are you?

Hobi: The bar.

Me: Which one?

Hobi: Hwehwehwe Idk the name. The closest one to youujsnhabsiuhsb?

Me: I'm coming.

Hobi: Love yooouuuu Jiiiyeeeooonggg.~ Bye bye.

I rushed out of the house, passing my parents who probably looked dumb-founded, and drove to the closest one from the mansion. I never drank, so I didn't know the names either, but I was sure to find one before he would black out.

Turns out, it was harder than I thought

It took around forty-five minutes until I finally discovered the right one.

Rushing, I opened the doors, and elbowed people to get out of the way. Suddenly, but not surprisingly, a young drunk man offered me a shot.

I fashioned a fake smile, before politely declining.

He growled, but I went past him, spotting Hobi sprawled out on a sofa, giggling, drink in hand.

"Jung Hoseok!" I yelled, ignoring the stares from others, and took the glass out of his hand.

He tried to grab it back with pouty eyes, but I held him back, and put it back on the bar counter. The smells were making me wheezy and my mind grew a bit fuzzy, but I fought past it.

"Jiyeong!~" He shouted loudly, even over the music. "How's it gooiinnngg?"

"We're going home." I grabbed his wrist, and turned to the exit. "Let's go."

Except he pulled me down on his lap, and whispered in my ear: "We can sttaayyy.~"

My face reddened. "H-Hoseok.. Stop.."

He giggled again, and caressed my neck. "But I looovveee you.~"

"Hobi, stop it."

"Nooooo!" His eyes shone, but not in a good way.

"Hoseok!" I yelled. "Stop it! Who made you drunk?"


I sighed, and stood up, hands on hips. "Liar."

"It's truueeee," he slurred. "Believe meee.~"

I didn't answer. Maybe he was telling the truth. No one we knew who hated us were here, and people would mostly prey on women.

"Fine. You better me telling the truth."

He clapped like a little kid, and screamed in delight.

He clapped like a little kid, and screamed in delight

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(A/N: This boyyy XD)

I finally dragged him out of the bar, and back into my car. As I drove, he began singing about how he loves me and that crap. Either way, I blushed, but I was still frustrated and exhausted.

We parked back in my mansion. I decided to not take him inside, because of my parents. Instead, on the other side of the road, there was a field, and I took him there.

We sat down on the warm and fresh grass. Hobi began to nag and annoy me, but that didn't matter.


I loved him. I knew it, and there had to be someway to accept and ignore it.

I needed Hoseok. He was the light of my life. The one who made me happy, even if he didn't do anything in particular. That smile always got to me. His low laugh that didn't match his angel face.

I love him. I knew it.



Anyways, heyyyy readers! I need something to call you. Lovelies? Fam? Bookworms? Pls comment. ;-; Self promo, as always. XD

Byyyyeeeee! 💜💓💚💙💕❤️💘💞💖

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