"Yeah," he replied. Everyone in the school knew where Kaden Rivers lived, his parties were legendary. And while the two teams didn't exactly get along, or to be frank, hated each other, there was an unspoken rule that when it came to parties, it was free for all. "I'll give you my number and you can drop me a text when your ready to go."

"Yeah sure," Kaden drawled with boredom evident in his tone as he handed over his phone to Farren, who took it and began typing in his number.

Straight after he handed Kaden's phone back to him, he felt his own vibrate in his pocket with a message from his aunt. She had texted him earlier after the coaches rang her, asking Farren to let her know who he was paired up with. Which he had done as soon as he had found out.

From; Grace
Kaden Rivers huh? I'm sure it'll be fine honey, if you just don't start a fight with him I'm sure you'll be able to get along. Myself, Rowan and Jenny are having dinner at Julia's house tonight, I left money on the counter if you want to grab a bite from McDonalds or some place with Kaden? Make sure you pay, he's your guest!
Love you xx

Farren sighed, typing a quick reply to Grace before turning back to Kaden.

"The rest of the family's going out for dinner at a friend's house tonight, so we can just grab a McDonalds or something after I pick you up?" He asked, cringing inwardly. He really hoped Kaden would say no, but he had to ask or else Jenny would be at his throat.

Kaden just ran a hand through his gleaming blond hair. "Yeah that's fine." He shrugged with disinterest, killing any hopes Farren had of treating himself to two meals at McDonalds. I mean, he deserved it right?

God damnit.

"Okay perfect," Farren said, forcing a pained smile on to his face. "I'll see you later so?"

"No Farren, you won't," Kaden replied sarcastically with a roll of his eyes.

Hey, at least it was a change from the blank expression.

Farren forced himself to try and a stay pleasant. If he was to start arguing with Kaden who knows when they'd stop. Both of the boys were hot-headed, not to mention stubborn. And he was too lazy, he couldn't be bothered dealing with arguments and bad tensions for six weeks. It would be easier for both of them just to try to get along, for the sake of their sanity.

"Whatever Kaden," he joked back with a smirk of his own.

"Well, I'll see you then Milton. Bye for now I guess."

"Bye Rivers." he replied with a curt nod, watching as the other boy turned and walked away, his footsteps growing fainter and fainter until Farren was just left on his own.

Now that he was by himself, he could finally relax. He sat on a nearby windowsill and shut his eyes, leaning his head back against the wall.

He had to admit, Kaden wasn't quite the horror he imagined he would be. He appeared to have some sort of sense of humour, which was a relief to Farren. There would be nothing worse than being stuck with a dry guy with no personality for six weeks.

Six weeks. Farren just could not get used to it. That's a month and a half of doing whatever he wanted, gone! How was he supposed to stay up until the early hours of the morning watching movies if he had to share a room with someone else.

That's when the reality of the whole situation really dawned on him. He didn't have a spare bed in his house, and he knew Grace wouldn't take to either of the boys taking the couch for the next six weeks.

Oh shit.

He was going to have to share a bed with Kaden Rivers.


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