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Yoongi P.O.V

Yoongi threw his phone to the other side of the bed groaning.

"Why does he have to be so cute"

Yoongi was about to fall asleep when he thought about something. Yoongi grabbed his phone and unlocked it. He was already on instagram so he only needed to go on Jimins profile.



What r u doing

Uhm nothing much. Just finished studying for tonight, wby?

I was gonna take a nap but
found out I wanted to talk
to you

Aren't you supposed to work on the next comeback?

Fucking hell
I forgot
Thank you

Oh no problem Yoongi

I love you|
I love|
Goodbye Jimin


I told you a new chapter would come today. At least I think it was today I was gonna post this

SoooooOoooooOOoOOOOooI guess I kept the promise idk I don't know what day it is and how long I am gonna stay here in Thailand so if I make another promise but break it then I'M SORRY

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I guess I kept the promise idk I don't know what day it is and how long I am gonna stay here in Thailand so if I make another promise but break it then I'M SORRY

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