Hidden Love

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The car ride home Jackie felt nothing but ashamed. Not only because Joe kissed her but because she liked it. 

"What's wrong?" Jack asked putting his hand on her thigh. She looked at him and faked a smile.

"Nothing, I just miss Caroline terribly so" 

"You'll see her in about 10 minutes" 

Once home, she went directly to Caroline and kissed her. She was asleep, but Jackie didn't care. 

"I missed you" Jackie said whispering into Caroline's little ear. She awoke and smiled at the sight of her mother. Jackie laughed lightly and began to give Caroline little pecks. All of a sudden Jackie heard the door close behind her and saw Ethel standing there. She had a concerned look on her face. 

"Ethel" Jackie said.

"Jackie I want you to know I won't tell Ja-"

"Ethel its fine." Jackie interrupted. "I ..." she set Caroline down in her crib "... I wasn't thinking straight... and Joe has just been there for me in times where Jack was supposed to, and I know I made a mist-"

"Jackie" Ethel grabbed her hand and sat down. "You must be confused out of your mind, but I know how good Joe has been to you" She put her hand on her forehead and laughed. "Jack... Oh, Jack can be such a fool at times" 

Jackie sat there laughing with her. 

"But I also know Jack loves you" she said looking at Jackie with a slight frown. 

Jackie now frowned as well and was slightly disappointed that, that was the reality of it.

"Oh, Ethel I know... I feel so horrible because we're now engaged and I don't want to break the mans heart" 

"Do you love him?" Ethel asked

"Of course I do" she now picked at her nails. "He was the first man I ever loved"

"Jackie, just because he's the first it doesn't mean he will be the last." Jackie looked at her and started to cry. 

"I feel so awful" she looked at her engagement ring " He must have dedicated to much thought and time to pick out this ring" 

"Jackie, I know this may seem odd of me to ask, but why don't you and Joe go out one night and talk things over?" 

Jackie looked at Ethel confused, then she looked at Caroline.

"I'll take care of Caroline, and have Bobby take Jack out somewhere"

"Won't Jack ask for Joe to come along?"

"Don't worry about anything, just ask Joe what he thinks about it and if he agrees , I will take care of the rest" 

"Oh Ethel, What would I do without you?" she whispered hugging her. 

Joe walked in and asked to speak to Jackie alone. 

(I have a friend who just started an instagram page dedicated to the kennedys! I recommend you follow her, Viva_Kennedy_) 

Thank you so much for reading!!!

Twist of FateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon