Family ties

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"Good morning" Jackie whispered to Caroline who was laying in her crib. She picked her up and took to her to the living room, to not wake Jack up. Walking to the kitchen to grab Caroline's bottle, she saw a mug with cold coffee in it. She looked around confused because Jack seemed to be sound asleep, and she didn't think Joe spent the night, although she didn't think to check the guest bedroom. So she picked up Caroline and made her way to it.

"Joe" she whispered

"Yeah" he said sleepily

"Oh" she laughed

"Sorry i just, You left your mug on the counter and" she looked at him wit his messy hair, the blanket exposing some of his shirtless chest. "I just.. I was confused whether it was Jack's or"

"No, it was mine" he said. Jackie,  for a split second, felt weakness. Joe's sleepy voice made her feel like a Teenage girl at a Elvis concert. 

"Okay" she said. 

"Are you going to make Caroline a bottle?"

"Yes" she said confused

" Just leave her here" he said scooting over to make room for Caroline. He patted down the spot where he wanted her and Jackie set her down. Now, all of Joe's chest was showing and Jackie wanted to scream! 

"I'll make it quick" she said. As she headed out she heard Joe give Caroline tiny kisses. Her heart melted.

While she  put the lid on the bottle she felt an embrace around her hips. 

"Hey" he said

"Hey" she replied. She turned around and was surprised to see Jack standing there. 

"Why the shock" 

"I thought you were asleep"

"Even if I was, was there anyone else you were expecting?" 

"No, of course not" she said shaking the bottle.

"Where is Caroline? I didn't see her in her crib" 

"She's laying with Joe, I saw a mug out here with cold coffee, and since you were asleep I went to check the guest bedroom and there he was" now washing her hands. " He saw i was going to make Caroline a bottle, and told me to leave her there with him. So she wouldn't be terribly lonesome"

"Terribly lonesome? Honey shes 3 days old" he laughed. She looked at him and smiled. 

"You want to give her the bottle while I go make our bed?" she asked him

"Sure, While your at it you should pack for the weekend" 

"Where are we going?" 

"Hyannis port" he gave her a kiss and went to grab Caroline.

"Jack...I don't think..." she followed him.

"You'll be fine" he said feeding Caroline. Jackie went to her room and sat down. She took a deep breath and told herself that she would be fine. While she packed clothes for Jack, Caroline, and herself she over heard Joe and Jack laughing. 

"Jack" she yelled. Jack went to the room and saw Jackie hold out two dresses.

"Which one?" 

"You look good in both" he chuckled

"Really?" she asked blushing

"Really" he said pulling back her hair and kissing her. They heard Caroline cry and both went to the living room. 

"I think she needs a diaper change" said Joe holding her up. Jackie laughed and looked at Jack.

"Honey, why don't you load the car, and ill change it" Jack nodded and went to grab the suitcases. As he was doing so, the phone rang. 

"Jackie?" said the strange male voice

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