Deep thoughts

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Laying wide awake the both of them just pure silence hit them. About to saying something at the same time they laughed in unison. "You go first" said Jackie. "I'm really sorry to wake you, I should have just gone home" said jack putting his hand over his face. Putting her hand  on his shoulder. " oh jack it's quite alright, like you said it's a terrible thing to be lonesome". Chuckling jack turned to face Jackie and smiled. " can I ask you something ?". " sure ".
"Are you seeing anyone?". Jack immediately regretted saying that to her. "No I'm currently not, I'm too busy with work and focusing on my career, but I do hope to have a family one day". "What would you think about being the wife of a senator ?" Jack said. Jackie confused for a moment looked up and finally realized what he meant. Blushing Jackie looked at jack " oh jack, that'd be a pleasant thing". Seeing Jackie yawn jack told her " you should get some sleep, you have work tomorrow". Getting comfortable Jackie smiled and kissed him on the cheek again. "You should too Mr. Senator, but are you sure you could sleep? I mean your back seems pretty bad?". Facing the wall now jack lied and said yes. "Goodnight Jackie"

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