Sparked Questions

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"Don't be nervous" he kissed her neck. "They'll love you" he reassured her.

"Jack, I just don't feel comfortable leaving Caroline here"

"Honey, she'll be fine." Jackie looked at him and gave a nervous smile. "She's great" Jack said about the nanny. 

"I have to go find Kathleen, and ask her if this looks alright" 

Jack rolled his eyes and smiled. "You look amazing." Jackie blushed and went on her way to find Kick. As she walked past Joe's room she couldn't help but look in and notice he was having a hard time with his tie. Joe saw Jackie from the mirror and he smiled. 

"Need help?" she laughed.

"Please" he replied

Jackie was fixing the tie, and all Joe could do was stare at her. "You look beautiful" he whispered. Jackie looked at him and smiled.

"All set" she said.

"Your welcome" he said referring to calling her beautiful. Jackie smiled and winked. 

"Jacqueline" she heard Kathleen shout. 

"I have to go" she told him. At this time she still had her hands on his tie, as she slowly removed them he grabbed them and rubbed her right hand. 

"I'll be expecting a dance" he said letting her go

"As will I" she said. And with the sway of her dress she left the room, enchanting Joe.

Once at the gathering, the family was greeted gracefully by the Mulder family. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy" Samuel said "Its an honor you could make it"

"Please, call me Joe" Joe said with his hand around Rose.

"Rose" she said shaking his hand. 

After greeting the rest of the family, Samuel noticed how different and charismatic Jackie looked compared to the rest of them. 

"Samuel Mulder" he said reaching for Jacks hand. 

"John Kennedy" he said gratefully. "This is my fiance Jacqueline Bouvier" 

"Pleasure, Mrs. Bouvier" 

"Well, its soon to be Kennedy but, its a pleasure Mr. Mulder" she witfully said. 

"Please" he laughed genuinely "Call my Samuel" 

Mrs. Mulder was introduced to the family, soon after so was there son. 

"David Mulder" he said introducing himself. 

Twist of Fateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن