Our child

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"Jackie that can't b—"

 "IT CAN" Jackie interrupted. "I accidentally got inseminated with your sperm". Jack couldn't quite understand her.

 "But you and jo—" "me and joe had sex yes, but I was pregnant before that". The room stood silent for seconds but seemed like centuries. " Jack, it was a mix up... I went for my yearly check up and .. The doctor was doing horribly in her personal life.. And mixed me up with another patient." Getting closer to Jackie "I understand if you don't want the baby, you didn't even expect it" she said with lowered shoulders. He put his hand on her chin and raised it. With tears

"I'm sorry for causing you such troub—" he kissed her. It took her back to the day they kissed with pure passion. He let the kiss go and looked at her. "Jacqueline you have just made me the happiest man on this planet" with a smile Jackie kissed him.

 "Jack we possibly can't be together, Joe would be heartbro—" 

"Jackie, he would be fine, you know you and me belong together. You can't deny the compassion." Smacking her lips she put her hands in her hair

 " oh jack I'm just not like that, I don't want to hurt him." He rolled his eyes and rubbed her cheek with his thumb. "We'll figure something out".

"Mrs. Kennedy your baby is perfectly fine although I do recommend bed rest for atleast 3 weeks, and no stress! Please do avoid smoking, atleast for the meanwhile" he patted Jack on the shoulder and headed out.

 "You hear that Jack! Our baby is healthy!" He laughed and kissed her forehead.

 "Jackie could I ask you something?" She nodded and focused on his mouth. "Does Joe think he's the father ?" Jackie sighed. There was a obvious answer to this. 

"Yes" she said lowering her head. He sat back in his chair and sighed. "I'm sorry Jack".

 " Jackie it's not your fault, I promise you I'll figure something out." She grinned and blushed. "Oh!" 

"I have to call Joe... Lee told him I was in the hospital and he must be worried sick". She said. Jack a little bit jealous nodded his head. She dialed the number and awaited his answer. She looked over it Jack and mouthed "I'm sorry" he gave a faint smile and mouthed "it's okay" back. "He won't ans—" 

"hello" said a soft female voice.

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