Chapter 44 -Your Family Thinks I Abuse You?

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I felt like my whole world was crashing down infront of my eyes- dramatic you may be thinking because I knew if I didn't follow through with what my mother said, my uncle would be on the first flight out here and he wouldn't hold back from giving Luke a beating even though Luke has never once abused me at all. I knew Brad was crazy but that crazy to make up such a big lie just because he wanted me to be with him and not Luke? How convincing was he if he made my mother believe him?

Shakily I opened the door and walked out into the bedroom to see the girls laughing at a film. How long was I in the bathroom for?

"Hey girl, what took you so long?" Sammy asked noticing my sudden appearance. I just looked at her,  I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't, I didn't even know what to say or how to say it. All I could do was just stare at them as I battled with myself to stop the tears from escaping my eyes.

"Amy, you okay?" Taylor asked, I just looked at her while shaking my head.  " N-no, my world has just come crashing down and I don't know what to do about it. " I said looking at the girls. "What's going on?" Hailee asked. I took a deep breath then looked down at my phone unlocking it.

" Brad happened that's the problem. You remember when he said he would do anything to get me, whatever it costs to try and break me and Luke apart? Well, I never once thought he would be able to succeed"

"We all know Brad's all talk and no action" Hailee laughed.  " I don't even know how to tell you this girl, it's just breaking me just thinking about it. I don't think me and Luke will stay together after this. After he knows what Brad has done" I say.

"You're going to break up with Luke?" Taylor exclaimed looking at me like I was crazy, "No of course not, but I think he'll break up with me. Luke won't be able to deal with what Brad's done not after everything else that has happened while we've been together."

"What has Brad done?" Sammy asked me. " He's somehow convinced my mother that Luke has been abusing me, now my mother wants me back in the UK and if I refuse my uncles coming here and he's going to beat up Luke. No matter how many times I said it wasn't true she wouldn't believe me. Whatever Brad said has my mother really convinced she kept thinking I was lying to cover for Luke" I said to hear gasps come from the girls.

"He didn't. What an asshole!! I'm going to kill him" Sammy yelled turning off the television. " Join the club girl," Taylor said. "What are you going to do?" Hailee asked me. I sighed, looking down. " I don't know,  I honestly don't know."

"I don't care what your mother says you're not going back to the UK" Sammy said. " I wish it was that simple, Sam. You know my mother she means what she says. If I don't go my uncle will come here for sure, if I do go I'll end up breaking up with Luke either way when finds out because he won't be able to deal with what Brad's done. It will be the end of us, I don't want that to happen but either way, I'm going to lose him and Brad would've won"

"It won't come to that you and Luke are stronger than that, you can get passed this" Taylor said. "You don't get it, this will definitely end us. We've gone through a lot of stuff but this, I can tell you will be the end for Luke."

"We'll figure this out we always do, you can count on us for support no matter what happens"

"Thanks but I'm already preparing myself for the end," I say walking to the door. "Anyone fancy a drink?" I asked changing the subject even though it was something I couldn't help thinking about.  "I could do with one," Taylor said. I opened the door and walked out heading downstairs, I could hear the boys shouting at the television.

Sammy's POV.
Us girls decided to go downstairs following Amy down, we headed into the living room to the boys while she headed into the kitchen. I noticed Luke wasn't here. "Where's Luke?" Taylor asked as soon as we sat down the boys had just placed down their controllers from playing a game.

"out clearing his head," Michael said wrapping his arm around Taylor. " I thought you girls were watching films upstairs?" Calum asked as Hailee sat down on his lap. " We were but we came downstairs for drinks as I think everyone especially Amy will be needing them," Hailee said.

"Why what's happened?" Ashton asked curiously seeing the sad looks on our faces. " It's what Brad has done is the problem, he's basically put a big spanner into Luke's and Amy's relationship and there's no way it can be fixed," I say frowning.

"Why, what has the dickhead done now?" Michael asked.

"He has somehow convinced my mother that Luke has been abusing me and now my mother wants me back in the UK for good"  Amy said standing at the door frame.

"You're fucking joking, right? Did he say that? What a dickhead" Calum said shaking his head. "Luke would never do such a fucking thing, why would he lie like that?" Ashton exclaimed. " Because he wants me, he said he would do whatever it takes to win me. He takes one step I never thought he would do, he's involved my mother and convinced her that Luke's been abusing me and the saddest part is she believes him and not me" Amy said.

"Trust me, once Luke finds outs- "

"It will be the end of our relationship, he won't be able to cope with this. He won't."

"It's you and Luke, you're strong"

"Not strong enough to get past this, guys. I know Luke he won't be able to cope with the fact that Brad has got my mother and my whole family convinced that he's been abusing me and I'm too scared to admit it" Amy said.

"Your family think I've been abusing you?"

We all went quiet in the room as we heard Luke speak, we all noticed he was by the doorway as we turned to look at him. "Luke we need to talk about this"

"Oh, you're right we definitely need to talk about this right now because I want to know why I'm being fucking accused of something I've never once done"

AN- Hello everybody!

Sorry for how long it's taken on this part....

.. Anyway Mary Anne, @Smileforhemmings will be writing next so stay tuned!

-Amy, @Jet-Black-5SOS.

Summer Love Or More?- A.I (Sequel To Summertime Sadness) *Collaboration*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя