Chapter 2

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Here's chapter 2. sorry it took so long. I hope chapter 3 will take less long





"Just five more minutes..."

Bzzzzz Bzzzzzzzzzz

"Oh for god's sake!" Hunk exclaimed as he opened his eyes and grabbed his phone.

He groaned as he didn't recognize the phone number, but answered anyway.

"Hello? Who's this?" he asked with a sleepy voice.

"Ah Hunk.....I'm sorry, did I wake you? This is Mrs. McClain, Lance's mother."

"Oh it's okay ma'am, I was awake already." By now, Hunk was wide awake. His best friend's mom didn't just call out of the blue like this unless something was up. "Is something wrong?"

Hunk could now hear her sniffling, as if she had been crying for hours before this. "Yes... something is indeed wrong. It's Lance... he won't come out of his room, he won't eat, and he won't tell any of us what's wrong!"

"Wow.....that's really unlike Lance. Wait, wasn't he on a date with..." Hunk caught himself before he let the name slip. Lance had explicitly instructed him to not give the McClains any inkling that their son was dating another boy. "With... someone two days ago, right?"

Mrs. McClain cleared her throat. "Yes he was, Lance's father and I thought they had broken up so we gave him some time alone. He usually gets over things like this really quick....but he still hasn't come out and I'm worried sick!"

"I understand ma'am, I'll see what I can do. I'll be over as soon as I can."

"Thank you Hunk, you're a lifesaver!"

Then she hung up. Hunk sighed and got dressed as fast as he could.

"God, Lance, what did you get yourself into this time?"

Minutes later Hunk arrived at the McClain house. Lance's mom let him in and welcomed him with a bear hug. Hunk, of course, hugged her back. Mrs. McClain's hugs were the best. If Hunk had a mom like her, he would go straight to her instead of locking himself up in his room when something was wrong. As Hunk walked up the stairs to Lance's room, he could see a plate of cold, untouched food and a note laying in front of the door. He picked up the note and read it.

'Please eat something mi amor, we're all worried about you. Love, Mami'

Hunk smiled, the woman was too sweet to have to deal with Lance. Hunk knocked on the door and waited for a response. When he didn't get one he knocked again.

"Lance come on, you can't stay in your room forever!" Hunk huffed, annoyed with his best friend's antics. This wasn't the first time Lance had holed himself up in his room, but it had never been this severe before.

Lance still gave no response.

Hunk sighed. "Lance, come on man, what's wrong? You've been acting weird since last night. Did the date with Keith not go well?"

Again no response.

"Lance.....did you say something to him?"

Hunk had known Lance since kindergarten, and if he'd learned one thing from hanging out with the crazy boy, it was that Lance sometimes said things without thinking about the consequences. And when he did that, oftentimes someone ended up getting hurt.

"I said nothing wrong Hunk! But of course! How could I forget? It's always my fault!"

Lance cried from the other side of the door.

Finally he says something!

Hunk was relieved that his friend had responded, but his heart sank as he remembered how Lance also had a habit of blaming himself for everything. "Lance, you know I didn't mean it like that. It's not always your fault."

A sigh was heard from the other side, followed by footsteps and the door opening.

Lance was wrapped up in a blanket, his eyes red and puffy from crying. His room was completely dark and its owner was a mess, stains on his shirt and his hair untouched and unruly.

"I know Hunk and I'm sorry for screaming at you.....I just....It's just"

Before Lance could even finish his sentence tears had started to form in the corners of his eyes again.

Hunk couldn't stand seeing Lance like this. The Lance he knew was obnoxious, loud, and a complete flirt. Lance McClain was the kind of guy who would flirt with every girl he saw using the worst pickup lines and puns. Puns Hunk absolutely adored and always laughed at. The Lance he knew wasn't sad about some girl or guy who let him down. It made Hunk realize just how special this Keith must be to Lance. In fact, Lance had even promised to introduce them sometime. Hunk had heard a lot about this Keith guy, and Lance always wore the widest smile whenever Keith was the topic of conversation. Hunk never thought it would move past the crushing phase...and he certainly hadn't expected this. Seeing Lance hurting like this made Hunk hurt too.

With a sad smile, he pulled Lance in one of his bear hugs, the ones he knew Lance loved.

"It's okay buddy. Let's....let's just get you cleaned up, okay? I'll even bake you those cookies you love."

At that Lance smiled a bit and sniffed loudly before giving a little nod.

"That sounds great. Thanks Hunk, you're the best," Lance murmured in a small voice as he wiped his eyes on his blanket.

Hunk returned his friend's smile tenfold and ruffled his hair affectionately. He was just happy that his friend had smiled and that he could do something to help, even if it was just a hug and some cookies. If there was one thing Hunk knew, it was that if Lance ever needed him, he would be there. That's what best friends are for.

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