Chapter 25: The Truth

Start from the beginning

"I agree, we have to trust that she would do what is right, no matter the circumstances."

Sif looked over to Kaylee, as she spoke with Thor.

"If Forseti could return, with Loki being here and not go after him, then Kaylee can hear about this." I shook my head, "If for no other reason, then because she has to know why Loki did what he did."

Sif nodded and sighed.

"But... I think Thor and Forseti should be the ones to tell her." She got up taking my hand, "Let's do some training."



Loki looked at me worried.

"Are you really sure?"

I rolled my eyes, "Of course I am!" I scoffed, "Why did you even want to come with me in the first place?"

He frowned pressing his lips tight together.

I raised an angry brow at him, "Loki, I want to stay here and fight with my friends, I'm not going to shy away from this battle, and you can't even answer me honestly about which side you're actually on!"

He sighed, "I know."

"Do you? Then you must know how frustrating this all is, none of us can ever trust you." I glared at him, "I still can't believe I came here with you."

"Because you know I've fallen for you," he pulled me closer to him by my waist, "and you've fallen for me too."

I looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity there as he spoke.

I chuckled pulling away from him.

"Yes!" I exhaled, "And it pisses me the fuck off! I can't believe I let myself feel this way about you, Loki."

He stepped closer, "If I knew what I wanted, I would tell you, I swear I would."


"You've better find out soon." I took another step back, "I meant what I said... if you're not on our side come the day, I will kill you myself."

He nodded, "That's fair." He took another step closer, "I won't stop you. I would deserve to die... I do deserve to die for the things I've done."

"Odin doesn't think way," I stepped away from him walking closer to the tree, "he let you back into Asgard, even after what you did to your brother."

"And I wonder if you'd still feel the same about me if you knew exactly what I did to him."

He walked up behind me, picked the fruit and held my hands before placing it into my palms.

"I want you to be as strong as you can be during the battle," he smiled to me, "I'm sorry for not being able to give you the answers you need."

I was stunned for a moment, I never saw a smile like that on his face. It was soft and loving. The most caring smile I'd ever gotten from anyone.

"I'm sorry too." I exhaled... "Thank you for being here with me."

His smile widened as he nodded to me.

I bit into the fruit and felt myself growing stronger.

"How does it feel?"




"I wish we were there with her," I growled, "she was there with me when I ate it."

Thor squeezed my arms trying to calm me down.

"She's going to be okay, Kaylee." I hear Will in the background trying to be the voice of reason, "She wouldn't have gone with him if she thought he was going to try anything."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"This is Loki we're talking about, Will."

He nodded, "I know, but this is also Renee we're talking about. Have you ever known her to go into something she couldn't wriggle her way out of?"

I pouted, "But still, this is Loki, she's never dealt with a Loki before."

"And I bet he's never dealt with a Renee before." He smirked at me.

I smiled at the way he said it.

"Loki is unpredictable," Thor exhaled, "but even he wouldn't try anything dubious by the tree of rejuvenation."

"The area surrounding the tree is our most sacred ground," Forseti walked over to us with a stranger in tow, "it would be impossible for him to do anything questionable in there."

I exhaled heavily and finally relaxed after hearing that.

Forseti smiled to me, "Are you alright now?"

I nodded returning the smile, "Yes, thank you."

I raised a sarcastic brow to Thor as he smiled coyly and looked away clearing his throat.

"This is Araevin, he is my dearest friend in the elven realm." Forseti brought him up to me, "And, this is Kaylee, my sister."

He bowed his head. "It is a great pleasure you, Kaylee."

I did the same, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Araevin." I smiled to him, "I never believed that I would ever be so lucky to meet an elf in my entire life."

He chuckled, "I didn't know my kind was this popular with people from Midgard."

"With me you are." I couldn't help but mention it, "You have no idea how obsessed I was with Lord of the Rings."

He looked at me dumbfounded.

William chuckled in the background.

"It's a series of books and movies from Midgard." I enlightened him.

"Ahh." He scratched his head, "maybe someday I can see them."

I looked over to William who was just as excited as I was about this.

"We've got you covered."

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