True Feelings

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"You can't haha—

Garth was just about to celebrate until he cleared his throat

"Uh you can't"

"Winston why can't she marry Garth?


He walked over to Kate

"Uh Kate why can't you marry Garth?

"Because I uh fell in love with an omega"

"An omega!!

Everyone gasped and Eve fainted

"Humphrey! That's my dog hahaha"

"Haha she can't fall in love with an omega that's against pack law"

"Dad, I also fell in love with an omega"

Lilly gasped and smiled then Garth walked over and sat beside her and kissed her and laid his forhead on hers and whispered

"I love you Lilly"

She smiled and nuzzled him

"I love too"

"What have you done to my son Winston?

"Omega and alpha alpha and Omega Eve help me out here"

But, Eve only fainted again

"This isn't our custom this isn't our way, take the valley!

Both packs ran at eachother and started fighting with Kate in the middle

"My Dream!! I can't believe this is really happening my dream came true!!!

A wolf jumped in her direction and pinned her down and bit her


She hit him and knocked him out and another one bit her in the tail

"Shit, that hurts! She thought

She turned around and clawed her in the eye and bit her she tasted blood and tore out her neck and she fell with her choking on her blood she then heard hooves and saw a cloud of dust forming


Everyone ran to the sides with the Caribou coming closer Winston and Tony was running but Tony stopped

"It's that damn disc in my back"

Winston hit his lower back snapping it back in place and they was cut off when a Caribou bumped in to him making them run in the herd of Caribou

Kate ran up the hill and she came across Humphrey who was coming from the forest


"Humphrey we have to help them"

They looked over and saw a log and thought of an idea

They used it to slide down a hill towards the herd of Caribou

"Go left"

She went left avoiding a tree and a rock

"Go right"

She went right avoiding a tree stump

"Wow your getting good at this"

"I had a good teacher"

The herd came into sight and they was almost there the log came flying off a cliff in front of the herd the sled broke in half and tumbled on the ground Winston and Tony hid behind the broken bark and Kate and Humphrey was crawling to avoid getting hit

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