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me and my friends was going log sledding and my friends was yelling over the wind

"Shakey how's it going! I yelled over the rushing wind

"Mmmmm I can taste the wind... no wait, just a bug" he spit out a large green bug

I then saw a giant rock in our way

"Guys we really need to work on the BRAKES! I yelled

"Brakes? They said in unison

We then hit the rock and came crashing down and then mooch came right on top of us

"Mooch, get your ass out of my face"

"Ugh, what did we hit? Asks Shakey


I then noticed a all familiar golden brown figure. And it was Kate she's back from alpha school and she looks even more hot And she's really packed some body.....and muscle

"Oh,oh,oh look who just came from alpha school" I said mockingly

"Bro, she's an alpha and your.....an omega"

"Guys, we're just friends"

"Yeah, just friends end..of story"

"You should set your sights over there Reba and Janis the vegetarians" suggested salty

Reba and Janis turned around and smiled with there teeth full of the bitter blue substance

Humphrey cringed in disgust


I looked down at Kate and see her crouching low to the ground aiming at her target

"It looks like we're eating Caribou tonight boys"

Mooch pointed in the opposite direction

"Guys, look"

"A couple of eastern pack wolves" said salty


I was slowly approaching my target until I saw two other wolves coming in the same direction and I whispered

"Candu, hutch, we've got company"

And then they jumped out and the Caribou jumped over us I then started chasing after it with the other wolves. I was slowly starting to get behind. And the same two wolves came running back and then I saw a huge shadow and animals running. My eyes got as big as saucers as they came closer I started running

"Holy— Humphrey started


I ran. Candu and hutch was alongside me

"Scatter....to the sides!

I then ran on the side I jumped on the rock, grabbed the root that was sticking out on the side of the rock. I spun on the twig twice and then flipped in the air and landed perfectly

"Settle this one leader" I said to myself

I searched over and found a half log I ran and jumped flinging myself in the air

"Woah" I heard someone say

I jumped on two Caribous and caught the wolves we hid under the log until they passed over

As soon as the coast was clear we got up. Candu and hutch ran over to me

"Kate are you alright? Asked hutch

"Yeah, I think so"

"Hey, what's your problem" I heard candu say

"You fucking eastern slut! That was our hunt....you can't just take it out from under us!

"Candu back off" I said getting in his face

"You better listen to the girl" amy said snapping her jaws

Candu lunged at her and started biting her neck and then the whole group started fighting with me on the sidelines

"Candu, hutch stop it! I yelled

"STAMPEDE! I heard someone say

A group of wolves came sliding down and right in front of me Humphrey. He's gotten cute over the winter and really have a well toned face I can just kiss him right now and tell him I missed him. But, I knew that was'nt necessary




"I'm still gonna rip this
snaga–tooth bitch apart" said candu growling at the two

"Guys lower the boom"

"Ha, Humphrey we don't have time for fun"

He put a paw in Kate's face signalizing he got this

Shakey and salty was swinging mooch backwards and forwards and they let go. He landed straight on top of them a couple whines came from the group

Humphrey came in the middle and sat down

"Hey, chill don't get your fur in a bunch. See look the Caribou are laughing at us"

Humphrey pointed to a group of four Caribou shaking their ass side to side

"That's the moon I don't want to howl to"

Everyone laughed at humphrey's joke

"Hey that's enough! Said Winston

"Candu, hutch, get back to den........you two go home"

They looked back and started to growl


They started walking away

"And omegas.....good job" he started walking away

"My first hunt and I blew it" said kate as she started doubting herself

"Hey Kate don't beat yourself over this it's not even your fault"

His words sent a tingling feeling down my spine. His words was so soothing and comforting. I knew he was right but, I didn't want to believe it. How am I suppose to be the future leader when I can't ace my first hunt.

It was all just a game and I did not feel like playing

"If you don't have Caribou we can always eat uhhh........we can always eat—

Humphrey was struggling with his words he started shaking his paw trying to signal his friends to help him out they soon picked up son bitter bluberries


He bit into them and cringed at the taste


"Yeah, tell that to a hungry pack" she then started walking away

I spit out the bitter berries and looked back at my friends in worry

I had to figure something out. If Kate wants to show she's the best maybe the moonlight howl tonight will cheer her up.

It has to work it just have to

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