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The tire bumped on a rock waking them up they both got up and started to panic

~Time Skip~

The hunters opened up the latches and they both ran escaping what kept them they kept running until they reached a cliff

"Wow....this isn't Jasper"

"Yeah it curtainly does Rock!

Humphrey said as a rock flew past them and another one was coming their way

"Humphrey duck"

~Time Skip~

"What are they doing?

"It seems like they playing some kind of wierd game"

"Maybe they can help us get home"

"If they can't we can eat them"

"Yeah! Follow my lead"

Kate did a flip and landed on the ground in a perfect stance. Humphrey looked dumbfounded he then backed up and fell off the cliff

Kate looked backed and Humphrey sat up quickly

"Yeah I'm right behind me"

Humphrey squinted and writhed in pain and agony and they walked over to the two birds

~with Marcel and paddy~

"You call it french" said Marcel

"I call it Canadian"




"Canadian sir and I must say that was—TAKE OFF!

Paddy then flew off without a second warning

"Paddy what is wrong with you?

Marcel then saw two shadows behind him. He turned around and saw two wolves standing behind

"Oh you are two wolves, ummm I'm not afraid I like wolves hahaha" he chuckled nervously

"Goood cause we need to ask you a few questions"

"Quick! Look behind you"

They looked back and Marcel hit him in the head with a stick and took off running

"Humphrey! Grab him!

Humphrey ran and grabbed on his webbed feet he then was dragged across the ground

"Shit.......omegas" Kate said irritated

While humphrey was getting dragged he was pulled in the water Kate was on the side running after him

"Oh he's a goner for sure"

Humphrey was being dragged across the water and then a rock connected with his lower region. humphrey whined.

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