Moonlight Howl

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My friends was tossing a blueberry around getting themselves dirty

"Come on guys we got to get ready for the moonlight Howl" I  reasurred them

But, they was ignoring me

"Guys, girls"

As soon as they heard girls they quickly hopped in a puddle of water to wash themselves off I smirked

They came walking to me with there coat clean of bluberries

"You guys I hesitated

"Well, prepare the girls for your arrival and your good to go"

"Game on" said salty


I really didn't want to go honestly but, what choice do I have I picked up the purple flower and put it behind my ear adjusting it to get it to fit right

I walked out of the den with my sister coming behind

"Kate, you look so beautiful"

My mother said as she smiled and then her smile turned into a evil one. But, what can I say my mom can go 0–100 real quick

"Now, if Garth gets out of line take those beautiful teeth of yours, go for the throat and don't let go until the body stops shaking"

My eyes got as big as saucers I looked over to my dad he also have stunned expression

My dad broke the ice

"Don't worry sweetheart, she's not ready"

"Don't worry dad I'm ready come on Lilly"

"Ok, ok"


the wolves was on howling rock their voices matching perfectly. Other wolves was dancing while howling with their mates and some just howling alone

Humphrey and his friends was hiding behind a rock while to females walked past the salty was about to make move

"Hey" said salty

But, the girls kept walking

"Hey" he said once more

The girls turned around waiting for a response salty looked back at his friends

"That's all I got"

They faced pawed themselves, the girls walked away while giggling at there stupidity

Humphrey walked over and put a arm around him

"Hey, that was........something"

"What you think you can do better?

"Of course, the next girl who walks up that hill she's mine"

They waited a little bit and so happens Kate walks up the hill Humphrey sat down admiring her beautiful

"Woah man, Kate is hot"

Everything went in slow motion as Kate was swaying her beautiful brown hair the wind matching perfectly

Humphrey smiled and blushed as he hugged something close to him he looked over and was hugging mooch


"Umm.....I'll be right back" Humphrey walked in the other direction

"Woah, woah, woah"

"Where do you think your going"

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