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"Nova! I will cut your nipples off and feed them to you-" My eyes flew open at the loud voice of my best friend as I sat upright, glaring at her. My nipples? Really? Did she really just threatened to take my nipples? This girl had serious problems.

"Will you please spare me one morning where you're not INSANE!" I screeched, smacking her with a nearby pillow..

It did not phase her at all....

She literally just stood there perched against my dresser watching me blankly. Then she did it.

"Take your short little ass out of the damn bed and get ready for school. I want to see that outfit you where talking about." Nova rolled her eyes and threw the covers off her body, shivering at the cold air that hit her skin.


I still can't wrap my brain around why my mother let's you in..." I sighed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I walked passed her.

"What was that whore?" I rolled my eyes and slammed the bathroom door shut, quite turning the shower on. I wasn't going to listen to her little rant and babble shit-mess she was speaking-not today. Although I did catch some words along the lines of,

"You GON learn today." and some spicy things along the lines of her shoving a stick up my ass and pulling it out my eye. After listening to all these violent things I managed to catch as I took a shower, I thought...

"Hey...my mother can't approve of that right?" I mean can you imagine what my mother heard? Yet that woman did nothing but go warm up the car.

Are we fucking serious here people? My life though....MY LIFE  >_>

When I opened my bedroom door she was throwing my outfit on the ground, screaming I smacked her on the head. Without a second thought, she lunged at me. She locked her hands around my neck all the while I smacked her in the head, even knocking off her glasses. That's when she finally cut it out and immediately fixed her hair. I rolled my eyes and ordered her to turn around, pulling on my undergarments. After that I didn't care since, we were both straight women. Although the words penis drove her absolutely nuts I found it hilarious. She had been wanting cookies for days now so I lied and told her they where downstairs and flung the outfit she gave me at the wall. There was no WAY I was wearing a leather skirt, ankle boots and a damn blouse with a leather jacket...?

How cliché. Really Ry? Really?

I outta call her a darn wet burrito again. When I said that to her for the first time she stopped mid sentence, staring at my other close friend Karla and then we all died laughing. I swear we be having interesting moments.

After looking myself over in the mirror I adjusting my jeans, t-shirt and black converse, deciding to pull my hair up in a ponytail as I walked out my bedroom closing the door and snatching up my book bag, running past Ryland after grabbing my water bottle and a strawberry-cream covered bagel laughing.

She was beyond annoyed with me.

I would gladly wear such a outfit when it was 75 to 82 degrees outside but right now it was a whopping 21 degrees.

"Bye mom love you." Today was going to be interesting...I mean I was a junior and all now. Ramming my shoulder into Ryland's, I watcher her fall over into the bushes. I screamed as she got up, forcing my little stubs I called arms and legs to move... She snatched me up by the back of my book bag, covering my mouth, and shaking me like a rag doll and pushing me into the steps.

Well I guess I deserved that one...

Man this was funny, I wondered if her boyfriend told her he was going to shadow me so he could spend time with her. I thought it was cute, I always wanted to find little ideas and what not to come up with so she could be with him. He technically lived closer to me than her when I went to Detroit to visit my grandmother on the weekends. But today was a good day...hallelujah amen it was... I walked into multi-cultural foods....

A class I let Ryland choose for me...

Anyway...We would get new students but never....EVER in all my sixteen years would I think and I mean...when I say HOT! I mean HOT, that this hot ass boy would sit in front of me. I let my head smack on the table, making Ryland give me a knowing looking, before she returned her eyes to her phone. Now she was faithful but she would tell me straight up if a dude was down right horrendous looking to her, alright or even remotely attractive. I wonder what she'd say about this one....He seemed like a nice fit although he wouldn't give me the time of day that much was obvious. Maybe If I dressed up a little more but meh? If you didn't like me at my worst or average moments then you didn't deserve me period.

"Stop staring you look like a damn creep!" I felt my jaw drop as my other friend Karla, commented rather loudly from the back of the classroom.

I guess Ryland decided to inform her I had a new crush...thanks bestie...thanks >_>...The first day and the humiliation and embarrassment has already begun....I'll be dead by lunch I know it-I JUST know it...

I squeaked and whipped around when hot-tots turned around to see who had an outburst. I kicked Ryland making her shove her hand into the soft mush of my stomach and twist making me have a mini seizure and flail around like a fish out of water.

Ooo that shit kills.

After I recovered, adjusting my clothes she just shrugged and mouthed "Bitch" to me and continued texting Avery. Which only made me groan and drop my head on the desk again. I hated my friends....I really did....

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