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"Oh! So your just goanna blame me for the whole thing though right? Of course it's everyone attack Kizzie day!" Looking at her Antonio, threw a pillow at her face, jabbing his finger into her chest.

"Shut up! I told you to let it go didn't I! You didn't have to say a word! A damn WORD to Avery and you go and say that shit!"

"Say WHAT!? Say what everybody was thinking!? He was coming down on me earlier today and neither one of you spoke up so now that I spoke my damn mind everyone wants to be hurt! And for what? Because you fought your best friend!? SO WHAT! I FOUGHT MINE TO! THIS NEVER HAPPENS WHEN IT'S JUST ME AND HER!"

"Oh don't even go there! I knew you were always jealous of Diamond and I's relationship!" Avery cut in, holding a ice pack to his bleeding eyebrow.

"Excuse me? You little insignificant bug! I have NEVER been jealous of someone's happiness! I haven't even gone out my way to care about what you two do! IF you guys are going through a rough patch I'm there so how can I be jealous Avery!"

"People like you always end up bitter and alone.!" The room went dark and silent with that sentence as she starred into his unmoving eyes.

"People like me? People like what? You calling me damaged goods?" She asked too calmly, as she stood up straighter, her face hard as rock.

"That's exactly what I'm calling you. Why would you ever think someone could manage to be happy with someone like you." Avery seethed pushing her into the wall. Looking over at Diamond who had her headphones slid over her ears and back over to Antonio she sighed heavily. She was seething inside but how was she supposed to show it without full out murdering him and causing another fight between her and Diamond.?

"Hmmmm well if that's what you think, then I was right for saying Diamond should've dated Kevin when she had the chance. Maybe then I wouldn't have to be standing here looking at you two." Snatching her coat and car keys up she walked to the door slamming it open.

"Don't bother speaking to me or riding in my car when we leave tomorrow because you're not welcome anywhere near me anymore. You can ride with Antonio's Dad to get to six flags, either that or hitch hike." Slamming the door shut she disappeared from the room , leaving behind a thick silence, until Diamond broke it....

"What the hell just happened?" She asked a confused looked etched across her tired features.

"Do you ever pay attention?" Antonio barked, going into the bathroom.



"What the hell just happened?" Looking at the angry looks floating around on Antonio and Avery's face I couldn't imagine what Kizzie's face looked like....Groaning I rubbed at my forehead, walking to the only table in the room to see a unknown number pop up on her phone.

Remind me why she left the damn thing again? Weren't we supposed to be safe?

Sighing heavily I turned my music off and looked over at Avery and Antonio, banging my head on the wall when I heard the door hotel room door shut.

"Okay then just up and leave me alone you douches.!.. Hello?"

"So you're alone...." Starring at the phone for a moment, I squinted at the phone listening to the soft breathing on the other line.

Definitely not a dude.

"What's it to you? What do you need?" Creeping towards the door I locked it shut, pulling the latch over the door, diming the lights right after I creped to the window.

Her Worst Nightmare. (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now