Chapter 13

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No one's POV

John and Sherlock sat in the hospital room, waiting. Waiting for any sign of life. It had almost been a week since the ball, and Charlie showed no sign of improvement, but she didn't seem to be getting any worse. The two were growing very concerned. They longed to see those bright, beautiful blue green eyes again.


Charlie's POV

"Charlotte! Richard! Come down for dinner!" mum yelled up to my room.

"Down in a minute!" Dad replied. Dad and I were working on building a princess toy that I had just received for my birthday a few days prior. I was 5 years old.

"Alright there sweet heart. Go ahead, try it out," he said with a smile.

I kneeled down on the floor and tested it out. It was perfect.

"Thank you daddy!" I exclaimed, jumping up into his arms.

"You're welcome, darling. Now, let's go down for dinner, I smell something delicious!" he then picked me up, and put me on his shoulders. While he carried me down to dinner, we laughed the entire way.


My eyes slowly flickered open, and adjusted to the fluorescence of the room. Definitely not my room. I wonder where I am?

And then, I remembered. The ball. Dancing with Sherlock. Chasing the suspect. Getting stabbed. It all came back to me at once and I groaned from the pain of one of my wounds, as I tried to move, and I fiddled with the oxygen tube in my nose. I was still a little out of it from all the drugs that I was on, all I wanted to do was sleep. But I knew that I had to talk to John, he was probably worried out of his mind.

But, he heard me groan and looked up from the paper he was reading. Sherlock, on the other hand, didn't seem to notice. He was lying on the couch in the corner of the rooms with his hands steepled under his chin.

"Charlotte! Thank heavens you're awake!" John exclaimed and he ran to my side. He sat on the edge of the bed and held my hand while he stroked my hair. John seemed on the verge of tears. This snapped Sherlock out of his train of thought.

He got up and walked behind my uncle.

"Hey guys," I replied. "how long have I been out? I asked.

"Almost a week."

I wrapped my brain around this. I leaned back into my pillow.

"Did we catch the suspect?"

"Unfortunately not," Sherlock piped in, "he got away. But, you were too important to lose my dear. Your uncle-and I- have been worried."

"Sherlock Holmes, worried? About me? I must be either dreaming, or dead." I replied with a slight chuckle, but that was painful on my wounds.

The two guys chuckled as well, a look of relief washed over their faces.

"You must be tired dear, get some rest, you have been on a high dosage of pain killers for the last week. Get some rest. We're here if you need anything."

I nodded and pulled my uncle back before he could walk away, signalling for him to stay. He smiled and took off his shoes. I readjusted my nose tube. Then, he climbed into the bed and wrapped his arms around me. I turned onto my side and we fell asleep in each other's arms, while Sherlock fell asleep on the couch.


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