Chapter 10

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Sherlock's POV

I was dancing with Charlie. I twirled her twice.

"Wow," she mumbled. I twirled her again and dipped her. The song ended. I then felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

"May I?" he asked Charlie.

"Umm... sure," she replied, but I felt reluctant to let her go. I felt very... protective.

I walked over to John at the bar and he asked me where Charlie was, and I told her about the man who was dancing with her. He looked like an overprotective father, who's watching his daughter about to go on her first date, and I picked up on that.

"Come on John, stop giving that look. She's fifteen years old and is doing a great job for the case," I called him out on being a worry wart.

"I know that, but she is my little girl now. You don't understand Sherlock."

We ended the conversation there and watched the two dance. When the song was over, I watched as he whispered something in her ear and her face looked disgusted. I began to walk over, feeling how John felt a few minutes ago.

Everything happened so fast. I watched as he slapped her across the face and took off. That's when I ran over to her, John by my side, while she regained her composure. It clearly threw her off guard.

I watched as she took off after him, and we followed. She was sprinting hard, and was dodging things left and right. She kept getting farther and farther away.

We ran all around the mansion until we were at the exit. John and I stopped to catch our breath while Charlie kept running after the killer.

That's when I heard her scream. My heart sunk, my heart started beating faster, and my stomach flipped.

"Charlotte!" John yelled at the top of his lungs. We ran out side to find her limp, lifeless body lying at the bottom of the steps, her blood covering every surface it could find.

She was pale, and wasn't moving at all.

I was truly afraid.


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