Chapter 12

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No One's POV

As John laid Charlie flat on her back on the sidewalk, he was resisting the urge to throw up. He was terrified that he would lose his niece.

He put pressure on one stab wound, and Sherlock put pressure on the other. Sherlock tried to keep a straight face, for his best friend's sake, but on the inside, he felt nauseous.

The ambulance arrived fairly quickly and began to load Charlie onto a stretcher. She was still unconscious so she didn't flinch when they put pressure on the wound.

They loaded the stretcher into the ambulance, and John and Sherlock climbed in after. John held his nieces hand and prayed.

Everything happened in a blur. The ambulance arrived at the hospital. Charlie was unloaded quickly and rushed inside of the emergency section with John running close behind, and Sherlock running behind him.

When she was rushed in through a set of double doors leading to surgery, where unauthorized personnel are not allowed. Sherlock knew this, and stopped John before he could run through them.

"No John," he said after putting a hand on his best friend's shoulder, "we have to wait out here, and pray for the best."

John was at a loss for words. He just stared at the doors, feeling his heart cracking in his chest. He simply nodded and proceeded to go sit in a chair in the waiting room to wait for any news.

Sherlock stood and paced for a bit, then watched his friend's heart slowly dying before him.

Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into hours. Time crawled by as the two got more and more anxious about Charlie. Finally, after 5 hours of surgery, the doctor came out.


John practically jumped out of his seat. Sherlock followed after him.

"Surgery was barely a success, but she has managed to pull through. She is highly medicated right now, so she may not be awake for another few days to a week."

A wave of relief washed over the two.

"Can we see her?" John asked, quite anxiously.

"Certainly. I'll have a nurse escort you to her room. Your niece is one lucky little girl."

The doctor left and a nurse took his place, and escorted John and Sherlock to Charlie's room. When they got there, John rushed over to Charlie's side and grabbed her hand. He began talking to her about how thankful he was that she was alive, and how much he loved her, even though she was still unconscious.

Sherlock put a hand on his shoulder, then turned and took a seat in the corner of the room.


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