Chapter 5

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The palace doors burst open and in walked a pair of dragons. The female was a pale powder blue with hazel green eyes, and the male a shade of violet so dark he was almost black, with penetrating, intelligent, steely blue eyes. The female scanned the palace lobby with her nose high in the air and slid a claw across the floor and then inspected it for any sign of dust.

"Where is she?" The female muttered under her breath with a judgemental sniff, as Talyn closed the doors behind her with a worried look. The male nodded thankfully at the wyvern and casually sat down on the floor. Suddenly, Thorryn came running into the room, terrified, and not noticing where he was headed, he stumbled head first into the female dragon's legs.

"Why hello there, sweetheart! What's your name?" the female gushed, lowering her head and looking into the small dragon's eyes. Thorryn whimpered nervously, and the large blue dragoness said, "What's wrong, little one? It's alright!"

"Ravenna eats babies!" Thorryn squealed in terror. At that, the female gave a low growl and said, "Who is the monster that dares harm you?"

"Alara, you can't always take things kids say seriously." The male who seemed to be her mate said with a disinterested sigh.

"Yes of course, Spinel, but the child is obviously distraught about something!" Alara replied. She then lowered her head back to Thorryn's eye level and said, "What is it that's upsetting you, sweetheart?"

"Ravenna said baby dragons come from eggs, and she ate eggs for breakfast today!" Thorryn cried.

"Aww, it was likely a misunderstanding. Aren't kids so adorable?" Alara gushed. It was at that moment that Ravenna caught up to her dragon, and she was taken aback by the sheer size of the two unknown dragons in the palace. "Thorryn, wait!" Ravenna panted, stopping for breath. Thorryn cowered behind Alara's legs and stuck out his tongue at Ravenna.

At that, Alara bared her teeth as a warning and said, "How dare you lay a hand on this innocent little child!"

"I didn't do anything wrong! He asked where babies came from, and..."Ravenna started, but the pale blue dragon didn't give her a chance to finish.

"He's too little and innocent to be told such things! How dare you fill his head with such corrupt ideas!" Alara roared.

Ravenna put her hands on her hips and said, "I wasn't going to tell him everything! I'm not an idiot! Now let him go so we can be on our way!"

"Well I never!" Alara hissed, as Hadrix casually strolled into the room. Upon seeing him, the dark purple male dragon got to his feet and asked, "Where is your sister?"

"She's hiding in her office under a pile of books trying to look busy so she doesn't have to talk to you." Hadrix stated, looking with amusement at the blue female dragon and Ravenna.

"She has some explaining to do, allowing riffraff like THAT in here to corrupt the minds of innocent children!" Alara snarled.

"Oh, that's just Ravenna. She's just the jester." Hadrix said.

"I am not!" Ravenna protested.

"Oh that's right, sis just keeps you around because you're so pathetic even she feels sorry for you." Hadrix said jokingly.

"That's no way to talk about the Empress!" Ravenna shot back at him. Spinel examined his claws, not wanting part in the fighting.

"Speaking of Empress, she's being too easy on the servants. These floors aren't clean enough, and those walls could use some decoration. Hadrix, could you get her down here?" Alara said.

Hadrix rolled his eyes and sulked back up the stairs. When he was gone, Ravenna said, "Thorryn, come on. Let's get out of here and away from this judgemental pompous anal dragon! I don't want you growing up like HER!"

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