Crime Alley

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I let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness he was gone. When Robin answered the Bat-signal I almost fell over from shock. He couldn't just leave me alone. When he fell from the ceiling I freaked out. Now my 'secret hideout' wasn't a secret anymore. 

I stayed in this hotel room for about a year after I ran away. I found it a week after I ran away and it was perfect. It was abandoned and no one ever dared to come down this road in fear of the gang activity. I could handle myself on Crime Alley, well at least I thought I could. 


"Hey there little girl. Did you lose your mommy and daddy?" the low voice let out a chuckle.

I had just set up camp in the hotel room I had found. I went out to buy some food and more blankets. I was surrounded by 4 thugs who didn't have anything better to do. They slowly circled me like birds of prey, taunting and teasing. I could tell that two of them had switchblades in their jean pockets. I tried pushing my way out of the circle, but they tightened formation.

"Let's help you get back home." another laughed and grabbed my arm.

"Let go." I ordered harshly.

"Feisty one. I guess we're going to have to teach this little brat some manners." he spat.

I knew I couldn't take them all so I would need a slow them down in order to escape. I took the switchblades from the two who had them and let the metal shine. I let out a growl and they just laughed until I ran for the biggest one. 

When you are fighting a big group, you always go for the biggest one. It lets you use your energy when it's at its peak, and then the other you can take on with less energy. It also shows the rest of the group your strength even if it was all used on the first one, but the fear is still there. They were all caught off guard so it was the perfect time to make my move. I stabbed his thigh making sure not to hit any vital arteries. I just wanted to escape, not take anyone's life in the process. I was already on the wrong side of the law, I didn't need the police on my tail more than they already were. He yelled in pain and fell to the ground. The other 3 idiots stopped laughing and charged at me.

I held the two knifes in my fist facing down. This way I had a better grip on the knife. I bent down to the ground ready to attack with rage written all over my face. I pounced on the first thug I could get my hands on. 

It wasn't a graceful flip or anything, but it was efficient and that was all that mattered. I was on his back now and I stabbed both of his upper arms. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground. The other thugs pushed me to the ground and I scrambled back to my feet. One of them landed a punch on my jaw and I groaned.

Escape, I reminded myself. I ran down the alley and kicked a trash can behind me. I closed the switchblades and bolted out of the alley. I sped down the street and turned the corner. I pressed my back against the building and held my breath. I heard them stubble onto the street and yell some curse words into the night.

Once their footsteps faded away I let out a sigh of relief. I was panting and sweaty. I looked at my hands to find blood on them. I cringed away at the sight and quickly washed them in a puddle. I shook in terror and fear at the thought of what I had just done. I may have not killed anyone, but there was still blood on my hands.


After that experience I carried those knifes on me for protection. For the next year I would jump into fights winning bets for the money. It was enough to support me for a while, until the bets got lower and lower. I needed money for food and water so that's when I turn to theft. I'm not proud of what I did that year and I never will be. 

I shook my head clearing it from those horrible memories. I started to head back to the warehouse via the roofs. Penguin was waiting as always, but with an angry expression written on his face. 

"What took so long?!" he yelled in rage.

"Batman made the team stay later for extra training." I lied.

"Don't worry, you will only have to play this charade for a little bit longer. I'm planning something big and I'm getting help from the rest of Gotham's elite. I'll tell you more about it when the time comes, but for now just focus on earning the team's trust." Penguin explained.

By 'Gotham's elite' Penguin was referring to Gotham's criminal population. Penguin had told me to take the offer from Batman, but never told me why. He only said he was planning something big that would destroy the sidekick team. 

He said that if we got rid of them, the Justice League wouldn't have anyone to do their dirty work. The Justice League foiling our plans was one thing, but the team of sidekicks were just annoying. 'Gotham's elite' wanted them gone and I was just a cog in the machine.

There was so much I had to do and I barely got any sleep. I still had to avenge my mother's death, find out Robin and Batman's true identity, gain the Team's trust, and escape Penguin's cages. I had a full platter and I needed time to clear it.

I went though my night time routine and passed out in my cage. I was so tired from the events of the day and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I had to go to school tomorrow and I had a 'weapons appointment' with Robin.

 Yeah, I had a perfectly normal life.


I watched Under the Red Hood, it was so good!!! I am also still working on Batman: the Brave and the Bold. Please comment guys I love hearing from you. Also if you have any recommendations of Batman movies or shows I should watch let me know!



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