Test Subject

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The cold breeze ruffed the feathers on my mask as I continued to climb the building. The police headquarters was one of the tallest buildings in Gotham so my arms and legs were getting tired. I pulled out my whip and started to use that to scale the side of the building.

I flipped myself over the edge and walked over to the spotlight. I pulled lever next to the light and it turned on. I looked into the cloudy sky to see the bat symbol. I sighed out loud. What am I doing? I shouldn't even be here. I didn't even have to wait as I felt a presence behind me.

"Just come out and talk, I don't have time for this." I said bluntly.

"Have you made your decision?" he asked as he stepped out of the shadows.

"I have, but I want to know something first. What's in it for me?" I asked.

"A chance to get close to the Team and me. Isn't that the only reason you are considering this." he said casually.

"I want full access to your universe database and we have a deal." I said pushing it.

"Don't forget I'm the one doing you a favor. I could turn you in right now." he reminded me.

"No you won't. You need me. For what, I have no idea, but you do need me. Universe database, that's it, no strings attached." I demanded.

"Fine." he sighed, "Meet me at the top of the Wayne Enterprises building at 10:00 on August twentieth." he commanded.

"August twentieth at 10:00, got it. Anything else I need to know?" I asked.

"Nothing more, just be prepared to meet your new teammates." he replied.

"Why are you trusting me with this task and information?" I questioned.

"I know you aren't evil, I saw you save a little girl. You aren't evil and you can be good. I can help you." he offered.

"I am doing it for the database and information only. I don't need your help." I growled and turned my back towards the Caped Crusader.

"You made the right decision, Kayo. Also, nice performance at the circus today. Don't think for a second that I didn't know about the weapons dealer." he said.

I turned back around, but he had vanished. How did he know about the deal? Ugh! A better question is what doesn't he know? I leaped off the same side I had climbed up and landed in an alley. I opened the dumpster and grabbed the two metal cases I had hidden there. I ran back to the warehouse using the shadows as cover.

I can't believe that I am helping Batman and his sidekick team. Penguin agreed to the plan to find a weakness in the junior team. Me, a girl trained to be one of the greatest villains in Gotham, helping a member of the Justice League who I have been trained to destroy. I shake my head in disappointment at myself. 

Of course I wasn't going to actually help Batman and the sidekick team. How was I going to stay in contact with Penguin? How was I going to get out alive? All these questions were swirling through my head as I reached the warehouse. I came in to find Penguin waiting for me as always. I laid the cases at his feet and he smiled. He pushed one towards me. I tilted my head a bit and furrowed my brow.

"Go ahead and open it. That one's for you." he explained.

I carefully kneeled on the ground keeping an eye on Penguin. I flipped the clasps off the case and lifted the top. Inside I saw a glowing blue disk about the size of a quarter. There was a metal piece of thread attached to it. I picked it up and studied the weapon.

"It's an electric shock thread. It's like a taser that never needs to be recharged. It is connected to your mind control headband so that you can turn it on with a mental command." Penguin explained.

I grabbed my whip and took the weapon. I carefully cut the handle off my whip. I placed the disk between the handle and the rest of the whip. I sewed the whip back together so that the disk was now hidden in the whip. I wrapped the string around the whip all the way up to the tip. I finally sewed the thread securely to the tip.

On. I commanded in my mind. I didn't see anything happen so I needed to test it on something to make sure it worked. I looked around the mostly empty warehouse. I wasn't going to try it on any birds because I had already put them through enough of pain. So me being the smart person I am, I touched it.

The muscles in my hand tensed as I choked back a scream. I quickly pulled me hand away from the whip and the pain vanished instantly. You damn idiot. I moved my zapped hand, but it was fine. Well, now I know what it feels like.

Off. I commanded and I touched the whip again feeling nothing. I got ready for bed and slept in my cage.


For the rest of the week, all I could think about was meeting the Team on Saturday. I still can't believe I am doing this. Batman said it was because I was good, but that's not why I'm doing it. I'm joining the Team because I need access to that universe database. I am going to find out exactly how my mother died and what aliens killed her with the use of the database. Then, those aliens were going to pay for what they did to my family.


What do you think of the weapon update? I hope it made sense when I explained it. Basically her whip can now electrocute people who touch it when it is turned on.



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