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I groaned out loud as I rolled out of bed landing on the wooden floor. I flipped onto my back and finally decided it was time to get ready. I went through my morning routine and zetaed to Mount Justice. 

"Took you long enough bird brain. I was getting kind of bored." a sarcastic voice said as I walked into the room.

I internally rolled my eyes and groaned. I almost forgot the 'ex-criminal' that was supposed to help us or something. It was 6 o'clock in the morning and M'gann and Superboy weren't even awake yet. Swan was lounging in one of the arm chairs in the living room. She had her feet over the side while she leaned against the other armrest. Her hands were behind her head supporting her neck.

"Why are you here so early?" I questioned suspiciously. 

"I could ask you the same thing Wonder Boy." she said and rolled her eyes.

"Work." I said bluntly

I sat in another chair as far away from the criminal as I could. I pulled up my wrist holo-computer and opened a file under the name 'Cygnus Secret'. What? It was catchy okay. It was a small file with little information to fill it. I looked through at each piece of evidence over and over again. 

"If you want to know more about me you can just ask. Stalking me is going to get you nowhere. Plus it's creepy." Swan interrupted my thoughts.

She rolled out of her comfortable position and sat in the chair across from me. She placed her feet on the small table between us and studied me. I couldn't see her eyes under the feathery mask. 

"Well?" she asked.

"What's your secret identity?" I asked instantly.

"Woah, woah, woah. We just met, don't jump the gun." she said sarcasm laced in her voice.

I got comfortable in my my chair, "What's one of your hobbies?" I asked casually.

"Messing with Batman and the team's plans. You?" she answered casually.

I rolled my eyes, "I meant outside of the job." I clarified.

She shrugged, "Does sleeping count as a hobby?" she asked with a smirk.

"Why do I even bother?" I asked myself out loud.

"Well, do you have any hobbies?" she said trying to keep the conversation running. Smart.

I thought about this simple question. I didn't have time for a hobby. In fact, I didn't even have time for a life outside of the job. I couldn't say acrobatics because that would give away to much. Did I even have a hobby?

"No." I simply replied.

"Informative." she laughed.

I knew that laugh. I've heard it before. I couldn't place my finger on it, but I am sure I have heard it somewhere. I needed to make her laugh again so that I could record it for evidence. Maybe it would come to me if I heard that laugh again.

"Now ask me a question, it would only be fair." I offered. 

"I know you're not going to tell me who you really are, so I guess I have to find another question." she looked at the ceiling deep in thought, "What's your favorite color and why?" she asked innocently.

"Of all the questions you could ask me, you want to know my favorite color?" I questioned confused.

"Well your uniform is red and yellow, so what'll it be?" she asked.

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