Rum & Coke

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"A beautiful girl can make you dizzy like you've been drinking rum and coke all morning." Unknown



He needed to get away from those two pansy men he chose to call his friends. He understood that a girl could crush your soul, but he also learned over the past several years a man could crush right back. Making his way over to the totally cramped bar he tried to squeeze his way to the front to put his drink order in.

"This service blows," he heard someone say beside him.

He looked over and was nearly knocked off his feet. The voice came from one of the most stunning pieces of ass he had seen in awhile. The tight black dress hugged all the contours of her body, leaving little to the imagination. And to be fair all he was imagining was her out of the dress, sprawled out on his bed as he ravaged every inch of her tanned skin.

"I said the same thing to my mates," he agreed with her.

She looked over at him and he looked past the smokey eye make up to see her deep chocolate brown eyes. She gave a quick smile, acknowledging he had spoken to her but she turned away just as quickly.

The young bartender came over to Harry and asked what he wanted. He quickly ordered his rum and coke and looked over at the woman next to him.

"What are you having?" He asked.

"Oh that's ok. I will wait for her to ask me," she waved her hand to dismiss his drink.

He noticed her accent was not from the England side of the pond. She was American. An American all alone. This would be one of his easiest conquests yet. American girls fawned over an accent, and although usually in groups Harry was still able to take one or two of them home.

"I insist. You were here first," he smiled.

"Well if you did notice that then you should have told the barmaid instead of ordering a drink for yourself," she spoke sarcastically.

"Then where would be my excuse to talk to you further," he leaned an elbow on the bar so his torso was turned to her as they continued their banter.

"I wish you didn't have an excuse," she looked up and over at him from her seat in the stool. She switched her crossed legs and he could not stop himself from watching the motions. All he wanted to do was run his hand up her leg, under her dress, and feel her body shiver from the pleasure.

"I'm sorry?" he had snapped out of his fantasy to hear what she had said.

"You think a british accent, and a decent dimpled smirk, is really going to get me to let you buy my drink?" she scoffed and he watched her chest move with the force.

"Hey buddy," she snapped her fingers for him to meet her eyes once more, "Eyes up here." she motioned from her chest up to her face.

"I-I-" he fumbled. He never tripped over his own tongue.

"Rum and coke. That will be 7 pounds," the bar maid said as she placed the drink on a blue napkin.

He grabbed the drink and dropped the money down on the counter and looked back at the American girl who could not be more unimpressed with him.

"Bye," she waved a dainty hand at him and he walked away without another word to her.


She saw Louis sitting across the bar. Terrified to say a word to him and knowing she was the one who had ruined their relationship just made it all the harder to continue looking at him. Work had always come first for her. It was even above family. Hence why she packed her bags and left America for the great big island across the pond. (One Direction AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें