I Need You-BTS

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To the family of  Tiffany Tuan.

From: The US Military

(Dorm Address)


Whats this? Yugyeom looked at the letter confused slowly walking back into the dorm while looking a letter not opening. All the guys were in the living room playing uno since today was their off day. He glances at the last name and looks at Mark. "Mark you have a letter from the US Military."  Mark freezes looking up a Yugyeom and slowly he casts a glance at Jackson who's eyes are widened in shock and fear. 

"Give it to me." Mark says emotionless something the boys have never heard before. Everything is silent as Mark grabs the letter and opens it. He looks a Jackson who says,"Read it aloud they should know about her now." Mark gulps and starts to read the letter aloud.

To the brother of Tiffany Tuan and the best friend Jackson Wang, We apologize to inform you but Tiffany Tuan was severely injured in battle. She has broken 3 ribs,a arm,a leg,dislocated her shoulder,and punctured her lung. There was also internal bleeding around the Uterus and it is unknown if she can conceve children. The Cheif Warrent Officer 5 is still alive but her condition is unstable. She has a low chance of survival but we are doing our best to keep her alive. She was injured when a bomb was thrown into our Afgahnistan base. She had risked her life to protect her squadron and the children around the base. She is only 19 and has achived so much. She will be leg go from the military after she is healed. The doctors are saying within the next month she should be able to fly. She will be taken to California where she will recive her payment and will be let go. We ask that in one month if possible you come and pick her up and take her to South Korea with you so she may live near you. She will need to PTSD dogs that we have provided and she has already taken the honor of naming. They are both male dogs and ate both fixed. When she is let go she will have to continue her training and eating schedules. Please take care of our Chief Warrent Officer. She will arrive in California at 1400 on  March 15th please be there. 

Mark finished the letter with tears streaming from his and Jackson's eyes. A silence covers the 7 boys but soon enough BamBam breaks the silence,"I didn't know Mark hyung had a sister! What's she look like is she pretty?! How does Jackson know her and not me?" Mark looks at BamBam unamused but Jackson awnsers BamBam,"Yes Mark does have baby sister shes adopted,She's very beautiful and shes Thai,I only know her because I walked in on her and Mark talking on Skype. 

The guys all felt upset but when Mark suddenly stood up they were a bit suprised when he suddenly said,"Its March 5th im gonna go talk to PD-nim and ask if I can have some time off so I can be with my little sister and bring her back here." Jaebum gets up gripping Marks arm lightly,"Let us go with you, we all wanna meet her. Please we can be the emotional support you're gonna need." Mark sighed muttering out the word 'Fine' and he grabs his coat putting on his shoes and walking out. 

(Short Chapter ik but its only the beginning) 

Word Count: 580

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