They were directed to their seats at the arena were Alex and Matt, Arctic Monkeys drummer, were already seated.

"Alreet fellas, girls, Meg." Alex nodded

"Fuck off Turner. Still bitter I turned you down last summer?" Meg retorted, taking her seat.

"Aint you seen the papers? The dope has moved on to 'nuther Filth. It's nice to find out your oldest mate, the person you grew up with, likes fellas by picking up a magazine. I've had sex in front of you!" Matt looked like the thought had just occurred to him.

"Do you look like Styles? Are you sexy, at all, even a little? No. So fuck off ya dick."

"It dunt matter you like cock but you cudda told me."

"I dunt like cock! I just want to fuck Haz. And what?"

"Speaking of Styles, where is my brother dearest?" Ed interrupted their bickering.

"He said he couldn't make it. Summat 'bout getting a song idea."

Zayn breathed a sigh of relief. Well that was one less thing to deal with. He was not looking forward to seeing Liam's fight; Niall's either now he thought of it. Watching his boyfriend and his friend fighting, even in this professional way wasn't going to be easy.

After they'd been sitting for a while, having a few drinks, a huge bald headed guy with no neck and a tattoo on the top of his dome approached them. "Mr Malik? Follow me please." Zayn made to go with him, when Edward caught his arm.

"Zee, what are you doing? You can't wander off with some random dude."

"He must work for Li. Chill Ed, I'm good."

"I'll come with you. Will you girls be ok?"

"Josh you should go with them." Chris thought it was a good idea to get Josh away from Kay, who was smiling an awful lot at Matt. She really does have a thing for drummers.

Zayn followed the behemoth of a man throwing Ed an 'I told you so' look when he led them through to a back passage and stopped outside of a heavy door. The guy knocked once and then stood to the side. Niall popped his head around the door.

"Hey guys! Oh you're Edward Styles! I'm a big fan man, pleasure to meet you."

"Hi nice to meet you too, I've heard a lot of good things about you." Ed laughed, amused by how psyched Niall was.

"Come on in. Zayn, Payno wants to see you for some reason? I've no idea why. He's just through that back door there." Niall pointed it out. "Josh fella! How's it goin? How's it going with that bird you were telling me about? Kay was it?"

Zayn pushed the door and saw Liam sitting, with his head in his hands, on a bench in the middle of a small changing room. He didn't lift his head, just held out a hand for Zayn, which he took.

"You ok darling?" Zayn was worried. Niall had been practically bouncing of the walls he was so manic, but Liam was eerily calm.

"I'm good." Liam's answer was sharp, his tone blunt. "I need you to know that the me out there isn't the real me. The me that cooks for you and loves watching black and white movies and cuddling in bed is the real me, but as soon as I step out if this room I'll be The Payne Train. I'm going to look scary, hopefully, but I need you to know I'd never hurt you."

"I know that Liam, you are the gentlest man I've ever known."

"Okay, I just needed to tell you, Louis won't even come to my fights anymore. He finds it too hard and I just need to know there is somebody I love out there, rooting for me."

Zayn licked his lips nervously. Had Liam just told him he loved him? How was he supposed to respond to that? Now so wasn't the time to have that conversation.

"I'm definitely rooting for you."

Zee saw Liam grimace. "I didn't mean to say that. Sorry." Liam still wouldn't look at him. Zayn lifted his face, forcing him to meet his gaze.

"It's not the time." Zayn said softly. "Concentrate on the fight yeah?" Liam nodded once and Zayn brushed his lips across the boxers.

"That reminds me. You're famous, you're sitting with a bunch of famous people, the cameras will be on you. You can't react to me getting hurt like you would as my boyfriend."

"Then don't get hurt." Zayn says this as breezily as he can but he wishes he knew Louis. It would be great to ask him how he copes.

There was a knock at the door and Niall walked through.

"It's time."

A/N Super short chapter because I need to finish You Started As Friends. As soon as I've done that I'll start chapter 19. Loves you all xxx

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