~Chapter Five~

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{Josephine "Jo" Morterz}

I pull on the compulsory P.E shorts after the shirt. Chyna, already finished changing and sitting next to me on the bench, ties her curls high into a ponytail. Half naked girls populate the locker room, most of them changing, some not undressed at all and only chatting.

"So what do you do?" I ask as I tie my shoelaces. "For P.E I mean. What do you play?"

Chyna shrugs a shoulder and stands up. "Well, we run around the court first, stretch and play a game of the coach's choice. Most of the time they split the boys and girls since we're soooo feeble." She slams her locker shut and I flinch.

Liane walks to the wall mirror near us and wipes off her lipgloss with a tissue. She glances at Chyna, noticing the nasty look she's giving her. I look between them. "What the hell are you looking at?"

Chyna rolls her eyes. "Nothing." She walks past her and out of the locker room. I quickly finish tying my second shoelace and catch up to her. At the same time the coach's whistle blows and the other girls are rushed out of the locker room.

As we're led through the hallway, we're told that the boys in our class are already on the field. We emerge into the gymnasium where another group of boys are already playing basketball - an older group of boys.

I recognise T.J amongst the dribblers and watch him score a goal from halfway of the court. Some of the other boys holler and give him pats on the back and he continues to practise. The coach stops the game and brings us together. The flirting with the eyes between the players is obvious.

"Ladies!" She shouts, adjusting her cap. "Today you will be playing basketball - and not just with me. Most of these boys are professionals that I say with no doubt will quickly help you master the basics more than I would on my own. Each of you choose a partner, find your own space and follow my instructions." She narrows her eyes and looks between us. "And don't get any funny ideas."

Laughter bounces off the walls.

Some girls are already paired up before I can blink. I'm shoved back and forth in the chaos so often that I lose my footing, and before I know it I'm falling backwards.

The fall never comes though. I know I'm held up because of the muscular arms under my armpits. He smells like sweat mixed with cologne, a fragrance I can't recognise - but it smells amazing. I peer through my eye lashes. Light brown eyes stare back at me. T.J's lips turn up in an upside down, half smirk. "I never took you for a klutz."

My cheeks burn; I'm suddenly relieved for my dark skin. I keep a nonchalant face as he raises me to my feet and clear my throat. "I am not a klutz. These girls are maniacs."

"Crazed sex freaks is a more suitable word." He smiles, hands behind his back.

I look around. Everyone is paired up. Even Liane, with some other tall blonde. Her arms are crossed and she was even scowling my direction when I turned.

I roll my eyes and she sees it. Its not my fault she didn't reach her boyfriend fast enough with those pale legs.

"First, get into the crab stance!" Coach commands.

T.J stands next to me and squats slightly, he spreads his legs with his toes facing forward. I mimic his moves and hold my hands in front of my belly like he does. He nods. We move in the same stance, back and forth and side to side. He nods again.

As we move on, my legs become more and more painful. At a point we finally have a ball and T.J places it in my hands. "Stretch your left arm out, that'll be blocking the opponent that'll try to mark from that side...yeah, now bounce the ball with your right hand, and bounce it quickly."

I do so and the ball bounces away on it's second bounce before knocking a worser girl down. I apologise with a shrug. She glares at me and her partner passes our ball back. T.J catches it above his head with one hand. He turns to me again. "That wasn't bad."

"That was awful."

"You're a beginner - it wasn't awful." He throws the ball back and I catch it last minute. I swear I skid back at the impact. "Again."

Afterwards we play a game with just the girls, and when we're done there's sweat running down my face. I wipe my forehead with the lower part of my shirt and lower it again before realising I've made a mistake. Glances are made my way, winks, 'knowing' grins. I scoff and make my way to the locker room. I only pulled it up to just underneath my bra anyway. People need to freaking relax.

"Malaika." T.J stops me before I exit. "I never got your number yesterday."

I catch a glimpse of Liane over my shoulder. "I don't think the redhead would like that."

He frowns and glances over his shoulder. Liane looks away immediately. He looks at me again, there's an annoyed expression on his face. "She should understand that I can have female friends. She asks guys for their numbers in front of me all the time and I don't complain."

"Seriously?" I start to feel myself get annoyed too. What is wrong with her?

"Yeah, but that's fine. I trust her."

I glance at Liane again and purse my lips. "Do you have a paper?"

His dimples show again. "I have a very good memory."



Chyna disappears. I don't attempt to look for her - I don't really believe that she sees me as a friend yet. She mostly keeps to herself aside from Kes.

The cafeteria is mostly packed when I arrive. I grab a lunch tray and get into the queue. The pepperoni pizza calls for me and I comply, grabbing a slice and a juice box. Leaving the line, I see Jo wave at me from one of the tables. Kyra sits across her. I make my way over and slide down next to Kyra. Jo bounces her eyebrows. "Heard things were getting hot on the court."

I glance at Kyra who looks a little nervous, but hides it with a smile.

Jo goes on. "Liane's really out for your ass now."

I snort and take a bite from my pizza. "Good luck to her trying to catch it. I'll thrash her ass if she touches me." They look surprised by my response. I add in defence, "I tripped and he caught me - people had already picked out their partners. She needs to relax. It isn't like he was groping me."

"I bet he wishes he had," Kyra nudges me and giggles.

Is she mental?

I don't say anything and take another bite from my pizza.

"Malaika, right?"

All our heads snap up and I gaze at one of the finest chocolates I've ever seen. I recall seeing him hang out with T.J, and seeing him on the court. He's taller than T.J is, his hair is cut neatly into a fade. He doesn't have dimples, but his smile is dazzling. The girls, including me, gape at him. "I'm Jordon."

I swallow the pizza and it hurts when it moves down my throat. I stopped chewing it. "Uh, yeah. Hi." I pull a braid behind my ear. "Can I help you?"

"Excuse me for being forward, but I wondered if I could get your number." He leans down slightly so our faces are levelled. His brown eyes are darker than T.J's, almost black even.


Once he leaves, Kyra's jaw is almost on the ground and Jo's shaking her head with lips turned up in a smirk. "Malaika?"


"You don't turn heads, babe, you snap necks."

"Oh shut the fuck up."


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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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