“I don’t mind.” And at that John stood on his tiptoes and pressed his lips to Sherlock’s. For a bit Sherlock was so shocked he forgot to kiss back. When he finally did kiss back he started worrying if he was doing it right. John broke off and smiled.

“You have to relax Sherlock.” Sherlock gulped and nodded.

John smirked and grabbed the collar of Sherlock’s school blouse and kissed him again. This time Sherlock closed his eyes and let his body take over.

Sherlock started to get a little more confident. He pushed John up against the door. John smirked into the kiss and reached his hand back for the door handle. He found it and the pair stumbled backwards into the room. Without breaking apart. Sherlock kicked the door closed with his foot and finally broke from the kiss.

John was smiling like an idiot. “You know, I kinda get why Molly is interested in you.”

Sherlock laughed and they sat down on the bed together.

John pushed a strand of hair out of Sherlock’s face and smiled.

“I would never want to undo meeting you, Sherlock Holmes.”

Sherlock grinned and kissed him again. “You heard that then?”

“I wasn’t exactly in the mood to sleep.”

Sherlock blushed a bit in embarrassment and fell backwards onto John’s bed.

John laughed and lay beside him. “Oh stop worrying. I don’t mind”

John turned onto his side and draped his arm over Sherlock’s chest. Sherlock turned his head to face John. Their noses were touching and Sherlock closed his eyes. He felt John’s breathing slow and slowly opened his eyes. He took this time to properly look at John. The tiny gap between his lips and the slight bags under his eyes from the last few days. Sherlock placed his hand on John’s and melted into his touch. He smiled and soon, he too, fell asleep.


John woke to the warmth of Sherlock’s body next to his and smiled. Carefully he moved Sherlock’s hand and slid out of bed. He immediately felt the cold and pulled on his school jumper. He heard Sherlock stir and saw he was waking up.

“Hey sleepyhead. Breakfast in half an hour.”

Sherlock groaned and sat up. “I don’t want breakfast.” Sherlock pouted as he pushed himself up off the bed. He realised he was still wearing his uniform. He must have fallen asleep in it last night.  He flattened out the main crumples in his blouse and decided it was good enough. It was Friday after all so it didn’t really matter. Sherlock approached John, who was tying his shoelaces.

“John are you OK with... us- I mean like... going public?” Sherlock stuttered through the sentence with difficulty and John stood up and looked at Sherlock.

“Of course! I mean if you are, cause I know this is all new and stuff so- but I’m fine with it.”

Sherlock nodded. “I’m- I’m fine with it.”

John beamed and reached up to peck Sherlock on the lips. Sherlock blushed and smiled.

“Sherlock Holmes.” John held out his hand for Sherlock who took it and grinned.

“John Watson.” They laughed and walked down the stairs.

The whispers started the minute they walked into the cafeteria but neither John nor Sherlock could care less. They were just happy that the other was by their side. Sherlock picked up a tray of food and John gave a sarcastic gasp.

“Are you actually going to eat?!”

Sherlock rolled his eyes. “Honestly John.” Then he smiled, “I can’t think straight around you anyways.” John blushed and they sat down.

Moments later Mycroft and Greg sat down in front of them. Greg instantly noticed their hands which were laced together on the table top and broke into a grin.

“Congratulations!” He sent John a knowing look. “Glad you finally pulled yourself together, John.” John nodded and rolled his eyes.

Mycroft was watching Sherlock with a hint of amusement present on his face.

“Well, well, well Sherlock! You have settled in nicely.”

“Shut up Mycroft.” Sherlock mumbled and sent his brother a glare.

“So does this mean you are finally going to tell mummy and daddy?”

Sherlock shuffled awkwardly in his seat and said nothing.

“They will be thrilled Sherlock. Trust me.”

“I said shut up Mycroft.” This time, Sherlock looked his brother dead in the eyes and that was enough to shut Mycroft up.

John squeezed Sherlock’s hand and Sherlock’s face softened. Greg broke through the tense silence.

“Anyways. What I wanted to ask is if you, Sherlock, were interested in going to another crime scene tomorrow? My Dad has specifically asked for you.”

Sherlock looked up in surprise. “Yes! I mean... Ok, sure.”

Greg smiled. “Great! I don’t have to come with you if you don’t want me to I mean I don’t really want to... I had other plans anyways.” Sherlock saw Greg’s eyes flick over to Mycroft and Sherlock smirked. Mycroft’s cheeks heated up.

“Shall we go Greg? Class starts in a few minutes.”

Greg nodded and made his way out of the hall.

“Not a word.” Mycroft hissed at Sherlock who was trying really hard to contain his laughter.

“Oh don’t worry, brother mine.”

Mycroft shot his brother one last warning smile before exiting the hall after Greg.

John looked at Sherlock. “Are they...”

“Oh yes.” John could see the smirk forming on Sherlock’s lips and laughed.

“Come on. I’ll race you to chemistry.” John started running much to Sherlock’s protests as he tried to catch up.

In the end Sherlock only just managed to catch up with John and beat him.

“That’s not fair. You have longer legs.”

“And you had a head start. If anyone cheated, it was you.”

“Hmph.” John leaned against the wall and tried to catch his breath.

 Sherlock leaned against the wall next to him. John put his arm around Sherlock’s waist but Sherlock stepped out of reach.

“Nope. You cheated.”

“I’m sorry.” John pouted and dragged out the ‘y’ like a child.

“John stop being such a child.”

“I am not a child.” John put his hand on his heart with mock hurt.

Sherlock rolled his eyes and pulled John in for a hug.

“Fine you win.” Sherlock mumbled as he leaned his head on John’s.

They walked into chemistry and took their seats at the back of the room.

Sherlock rested his head on his hand as Mrs. Noble dragged on about soluble and insoluble salts. He found himself having to kick John in the shin to wake him up at various points during the lesson.

As everyone was filing out John groaned and turned to Sherlock.

“You seriously need to tutor me cause I haven’t understood anything.”

Sherlock chuckled. “Ok but you will actually have to listen to me.”

John saluted him. “Yes sir, Sherlock, sir.”

Sherlock rolled his eyes. “That’s kinda hot you know.” Sherlock smirked and John hit him playfully on the arm. They followed the last few people out of the classroom. 

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