"Yes I have heard that the king intends on sending Protestant missionaries to domesticate the savages for the pure purpose of establishing a chocolate monopoly," Duke Hemerton said.

"Oh come on! Just because they don't believe in god or live your way doesn't make them lesser! You act like they are beasts instead of humans! And worse of all is that won't change for hundreds of years and you will practically destroy them!" I shouted. Abraham glanced at me in the shut-up-you're-saying-too-much-that-you-shouldn't-know-again.

"Darling are you alright," The Duchess asked.

"No because you are criticizing a culture you don't even try to understand," I scolded.

The duchess looked up and smiled apologetically to the Warlests,"It really has been a trying time for her recently. I'm afraid today with all the emotions happening, it has been rough on her. Eat your chocolate dear."

I angrily ate my chocolate. It wasn't even close as good as anything in the 21st century but I gave Abraham a appreciative smile. The Hemerton ate it slowly, treasuring the exotic treat.

"It really is the most interesting thing I have tasted in a while. Quite flavourful," The Duke said. If any of them were to come to my time and eat...anything , their tastebuds would probably go into overdrive.

"I have a piece for a Margaret when she gets here," Abraham said. For some reason I felt a twinge of jealousy. Even though he was technically my fiancé I had told myself not to get attached. I knew as soon as I let myself get attached, I will find a way home. Marguerite arrived several minutes later in an extravagant coach. It was boldly coloured and patterned. A girl about fifteen with tight blond curls and a faded looking dress stepped out of thr coach. She smiled brightly but her face was tired. She looked like she could use a meal and a nights sleep.

"Marguerite! Pardon me, I meant Margaret," Duchess Hemerton called politely.

"This is the often talked about cousin? She is a fine lady, perhaps Abraham should marry her!" Lord Warlest said to Duke Hemerton despite the fact that I, Margeurite, and Abraham were within ear distance. I glared at this 'cousin.' She walked gracefully over to the group of us. She curtseyed to each of us in turn.

"It is very pleasant to meet your acquaintances," she said to the Warlests in a voice as sweet and sticky as honey with a bit of a French accent, "It is very good to see you again Aunt and Uncle. I was so relieved to hear that you were back home safe, Elizabeth."

"Thanks," I replied with maybe a bit of sarcasm. Not that they could even pick up on sarcasm anyway. Abraham caught it though and gave me a half smirk half behave look. Marguerite looked slightly confused but Duchess Hemerton stepped in.

"She has gone through some trauma, dear. Be patient with her, it seems she has forgotten some words and statements." Marguerite(Margaret?) nodded her head sympathetically.

"Of course. Recently must have been so difficult for you, Elizabeth. It will be better now, I am here," she gave me a doey eyed smile. She put a gloved hand gently on my back, "I am here for whatever you need, dear cousin."

"I'm fine, really," I stepped away from her hand. I hate when people act like I'm fragile and delicate.

"I am Lord Warlest, this is my son Abraham Warlest," Lord Warlest said, ignoring his wife. Margaret curtseyed again, looking up at Abraham through her lashes. She held her hand out for Abraham to take. He glanced at me then quickly kissed the top of her hand.

"Your unique fashion intrigues me, are you one of the Macaroni gentlemen?" She asked almost flirtatiously, but subtly because flirting would be too forward.

"No he is not. One son as a macaroni is foul enough!" Lord Warlest bellowed. "My eldest, decided he was going on the Great Tour. He abandoned his responsibilities to prance around Europe in his ridiculous new fashion trend!"

Margaret covered her mouth delicately, "Oh my! So that leaves you Sir Warlest to manage the home. It seems all you need of the moment is a wife to keep you company."

"I am his fiancée," I stepped protectively closer, looping my arm through his.

Margaret covered her mouth in shock, "Oh I did not think that in your current state that you were suitable to be a wife. I assumed that you would wait a few years."

"Hell no, the wedding is next week," I said glaring at her. She let in a little gasp.

"What Elizabeth means is that the wedding is proceeding as planned," Abraham covered for me.

A servant said something to the Duke and he clapped his hands together, "I am so sorry that you cannot rest before we leave again, Margaret, but my ship will be leaving shortly. We must leave if we do not want to be late."

"Of course, I understand it is important to be timely," she said.

The women went in one coach and the men in another. Margaret and I sat on one side and Duchess Hemerton and Lady Warlest on the other. It was raining again (it's always raining here and it's terrible) when we embarked. The port was only half an hour coach ride but I had a suspicion it was going to feel much longer. The coach passed by the forest and pond, Margaret grabbed my shoulder making me jump a mile high.

"I remember playing in that forest when we were small!" She exclaimed smiling,"We should go there once more for old times sake."

"Oh dear, I would not recommend that. There's been evidence of a witch living in those woods. I am sure she would take two nice girls such as yourselves." Lady Warlest said. That is still going around? Jeez it was only one night people!

"I did not know you had a witch problem in this part of England," Margaret said with uncertainty.

"They are usually burned within a month of the rumours starting. We will find this one shortly, I assure you." Duchess Hemerton said gently.

"Wait how many people have you burned?!" I gasped.

"You must remember Elizabeth, they are witches not people," Lady Warlest said like she was talking to a child. The coach was filled with boring polite conversation the rest of the ride. After what seemed like hours, we arrived at a large port. I clung to myself in the frigid air. The waves were dark with thick white peaks on it. The large galleon shook from the waves. The men talked in a circle before coming over.

"We think it is best to say our goodbyes here. It is too dangerous for such delicate creatures such as yourself to be so close to the violent ocean," Duke Hemerton said. He embraced his wife stiffly, she pulled away with tears in her eyes. He shook the hands of the rest of us. We watched him walk towards the boat.

"I hope you tried to convince them that we aren't delicate," I whispered in Abrahams ear.

"Yes but they are... just so stubborn! The longer I know you, the less tolerable everyone else is. I don't know how you manage it here," he sighed.

"Me either," I said glancing at the Duchess who was sobbing like her husband was dead instead of leaving for a bit. As the boat moved slowly into the ocean, we waved until the people on deck weren't visible. Hopefully I would be gone before he returned from his voyage.

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