My Brother From Another Mother

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The school wasn't like any other school I had ever seen. It was more like the campus of a university, filled with many brick buildings and green open areas. It looked like it had probably been here for a hundred years or two already. Funny how I think of here as old and probably so do the people from here. In a history book one hundred years seems like a short time, but I guess it's not. The grounds were packed with people enjoying the weekend. Boys with stiff posture and crisp new uniforms walked around the campus, reading on open greens, or sitting and laughing with friends on benches. All of them from about 12 or 13 to probably 18. It was the sunniest it's probably been in a month and everyone was enjoying it. With winter quickly approaching this was probably going to be the last sunny day in months. If it was up to me I would've been lying on that lawn too maybe watching a movie and drinking pop with Molly. Molly would love an old place like this. She is a geek like that. Will be a geek like that? But instead of enjoying myself I was stuck in the little stuffy carriage all by myself. Sir Logger decided that he was going to continue researching, so I'm here alone. Yippee.

The road inside the campus(like all the roads everywhere) wasn't paved and was making me sick again. Pulling down the door window, I sighed with relief. I poked my head outside the window like a dog. My hair is probably going to get ruined, but I don't really care at the moment. A few of the older boys pointed out the coach and then me. I watched the ground roll past, we seemed like we were flying we were going so fast. Which we probably weren't compared to a car.

We headed for what looked like the main building. There waiting for me on the steps was Elizabeth's brother. He stood looking important as he had when I had saw him before. He stood with two other boys. One about his age and one who looked older around my age. We stopped in front of the building, the oldest boy rushing over to open the door. He bowed before holding out his hand to assist me down. I tried not to notice how cute he was as our hands made contact. Augustus and his friend walked over. Augustus tried to seem cool and collected but he wasn't doing a very good job of it. His friend although pulled it off very well, if not with an arrogant manner as well.

"It is good to see you, dear sister!" Augustus said excitedly, stepping closer for what I think he wanted was a hug, but then stepping back again.

"As it is good to see you as well Augustus. How have you been?" I asked politely as I eyed the two boys. I wished he would introduce them soon.

"I have been well. Focused mostly on my studies as usual. I do regret that I had to miss your wedding. I have heard it was quite eventful." He said formally.

"Oh I was not aware your sister has wed," said the cute older boy before I could reply. He didn't address me but Augustus. Which is kind of infuriating.

"Yes I am married. And who are you?" I said with disdain.

"Oh I am sorry Elizabeth! This is Fredrick Maddon, he has been assigned to escort us around for the day." Augustus smiled apologetically.

Fredrick smiled a cocky smile and took my hand, pressing his lips against the back of my hand. "A pleasure, my Lady Hemerton. May I call you Elizabeth?"

"No." I said quickly, turning my attention to the younger boy, "And your other friend?"

Augustus seemed eager to introduce the young boy, "This is my good friend Edgar Vandallum." The boy nodded curtly, no smile on this kids face. He seemed like a very pleasant young boy.

I held out my hand for him to take. The boy looked from me to Augustus then begrudgingly touched my gloved hand to his lips. "It is an honour to meet you." He said through gritted teeth and almost a bit of sarcasm. I don't think I've ever met someone in this time that had a grasp on sarcasm.

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