The Wedding Of The Century

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"Do you believe she was having an affair with whoever that was?" Abe inquired as we made our house back to the house. The forest floor crunched underneath our feet as we walked in the chilly air of the coming dawn. We had stood in our hiding spot for a while to make sure either one didn't come back. It would be a bit difficult to explain why we were creeping around in the woods if we ran into one of them.  

"I do not doubt it! It does make sense though. A few months ago she told me about a not-well-to-do man she was seeing but did not want anyone to know because of his class. I assumed she cut it off long ago," I said as I stifled a yawn. 

"So she went after the prince merely because he was the prince?" 

"Does that surprise you?"

"No, actually it does not. I can not blame her though,  so many women would do the same that it is easier to name the girls who wouldn't than those who would."

"Oh so you know plenty of gold-digging women then?" I teased, pretending to be jealous.

"Yes every woman in my family! But you need not be jealous of them- I would never go after my own mother or my plethora of aunts," He chuckled.

"I would hope not but I know how you old noble types like to do it. Let us just say the family trees tend not to branch out too much!" 

I could see Abe smirk in the brightening forest, "I do not appreciate what you are insinuating about my family."

"Do you ever go to family reunions and you see your cousin and think mmmm I'd like to... do whatever is romantically 'proper' to her."


"Not even once? Don't you wish to be honest with your wife?"

"Why would I notice them when I have had my eye on you since I was a child?" He smirked again, obviously thinking he has won this one by being sweet. I reach up and cup his jaw, guiding his face to mine. I peck him on the mouth quickly.

"Aw, that's sweet. But I hate to remind you, that was Elizabeth that you had your eye on," I chuckled, "Plus you insinuated that if I wasn't around you would be into your cousins. Gotchya!"

"I am not admitting anything!"

"You just have!" I cackled then my foot fell into a hole, pain rising in my ankle. "Frick! Tis is the third time I've hurt that ankle during this walk!"

"Do you need to sit down?"

"No let's keep going, I would like to be able to sleep for at least half an hour before getting ready for the wedding," I sighed and continued walking, leaning heavily on my good foot.

"I would as well. It is going to be a tiring day. Say, do you have your phone on you?"

"I always do..."

"Use the light, it will be easier to walk through here," he suggested.

"I do not know, I must save the battery and stuff," I said meekly.

"No, you have been avoiding using it. We need it, just for a bit, please?"

"Fine," I sighed and pulled my phone out of my corset. I ran my hand along its smooth surface. Its sleek surface felt foreign to my hand now, I am used to the imperfection of hand crafted items of this world. I held down the side button, and the screen woke up. In the new light emitted from the screen I could see Abe's face looming over the device in awe. He has seen it a few time but I suppose it will always be a thing of wonder. The screensaver came on, a picture of the city from my apartment balcony. The screened showed 11:47, Sunday October 12th, the day I arrived, with being turned on and off and not connecting to a cell tower it had stayed the same day. I squinted at the harsh light, so different from the soft orange glow of fire that usually illuminates the night. "24% left of the battery so we better make it back quick."

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