Chapter 8

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I then smelt the air and I noticed the scent of human blood.

"Stay near me." Jasper whispered and I nodded but moved next to him.

"I can fight to you know." I said but I still respected his request and stood near him which made him somewhat happy.

I then seen three vampires come from the forest holding the ball we were playing with.

I kept an eye on the blonde one and I didn't even listen to what the others were saying until Carlisle said that some of the Cullens were leaving.

I didn't lower my guard as I noticed the man named James staring at Bella then at me.

I watched as he turned to go with his friends until a breeze blew by causing Bella's scent to reach him.

"You brought a snack." James said as he was about to pounce until the whole family hissed at him.Jasper had stepped to the side to be near his family in case a fight started.

Laurent had James and Victoria fall back because he knew they were outnumbered.

Edward grabbed Bella and left along with the others except for me and Jasper who made sure they left but James turned to me before they left to the forest.

I bared my canines at him with a low growl and he did the same back to me.

James disappeared into the woods along with his friends and Jasper and I headed straight to the house.

Jasper began to pack some items in a bag along with Alice.

"You're coming with us.Pack some things that you need." Alice said and I went to my room and packed some outfits along with my makeup.

I followed the others to the garage as Esme and Bella went upstairs to change clothes.

I put my bags in the trunk of the Mercedes and got into the backseat after saying 'Good-bye' to everyone and wishing them luck.

We took off straight to the airport heading straight to Phoenix, Arizona. I then watched as Bella wouldn't talk to anyone.She stayed in the only room that had a bed in our hotel room and wouldn't leave. I just sat there and refused to sleep until this whole thing was over. Jasper and Alice just sat on the couch and basically stayed there. Alice then had a vision just as Bella walked out.

"So the vision is showing him in a ballet studio?" Bella said with confusion.

"You've been here before?" Alice asked in shock.

"Yeah.The studio I went to had an arch just like that.Edward?" Bella said as her phone rang.

Edward told Bella that they are on their way to get her to take her somewhere else.

Bella hung up and her phone rang again just seconds later.Alice took the phone and answered.

"Hello? She's right here." Alice said and handed Bella her phone saying that it was her mother.

Bella took the phone and went into the other room.

"We will go check out.Stay here with Bella." Jasper said and Alice and him left quickly and Bella just closed the door.

I listened in on her conversation.I couldn't believe who was on the other line.

"Fork's High School don't protect their students information very well.It was just too easy for Victoria to sneak in and get your home address and phone number." James said from the other line.

I then began to get angry.

'How dare he target my brother's mate.He will die.' I thought angrily as I listened to the rest of the conversation.

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