Chapter 7

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It has been a week since Edward had left.School was going just fine with me.
I had asked each teacher to assign me a new seat until further notice and they granted my request.

Edward had returned and he kept trying to talk to me. But I kept ignoring him.

He began to talk to the girl that he tried to run away from. So far it had worked.

Today it was snowing.Snow was everywhere, and some of the boys had a snowball fight.

Emmett tried to hit me with a snowball but I heard it coming and tilted my head to the right and watch it hit a pole instead.

'Why can't they take the hint.' I thought as Rosalie began to walk my way.

I then blended in with a group of humans and watched her walk by.

Lunch then came along and I sat at a table by myself just like how I did a few days ago.

"Why don't you sit with us today?" Alice asked when she skipped up to my table.

"What do you not understand." I said in a dull tone.

Alice looked upset.

"Jasper misses you.You told us to leave you alone and he is respecting that by doing exactly what you said.But can't you see that your hurting him?" Alice said with a bit more anger in her tone.

"Who's fault do you think that is? I never asked for any of you to help me.All I wanted was to grieve by myself.I wanted to be alone and yet you all came and tried to make me open up.I tried to be kind.I tried to be there for you all.Edward was the first to shout at me.I wanted nothing but to help him and to talk with him.But he pushed me away and said nothing but the truth.I don't know why I ever trusted any of you.I began to think you were family." I said in an emotionless tone as I stood up.

"We didn't want you to be alone.But that doesn't give you the right to be angry at the rest of us.Edward even tried to apologize!" Alice said shouting at me now.Which caught the attention of everyone in the lunchroom.

"You're right.I'm sorry you felt bad for me.I'm sorry that you ad to go through so much trouble for an orphan.I'm sorry you were in the crossfire between me and Edward.Now if we are done here.I'm leaving." I said as I left the lunch room in silence.

I walked down the empty hallway until I heard running footsteps behind me.

"Wait! I need your name for the headline of the school newspaper!" the boy said.

I stopped walking and he stopped in front of me.

"I'm Eric.Anyways after that fight with Alice CUllen I'll need your permission to put your name and to get a picture for the paper." The boy said as he looked at me.

"No.I want nothing to do with something so pathetic.Now move before I make you." I growled and he stepped to the side.

I then walked off to the office.

"How can I you,dear?" The receptionist asked.

"I want to cancel my enrolment here.I am going to another school." I said in a bored tone and the receptionist nodded her head and we began the process.

After about an hour I left the school for good.

'Now I won't have to see them anymore.' I thought as I began to walk towards the busy streets.

I walked on the side watching the cars that would drive by on the wet and slippery ground.

But not all things can be good.

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