The new kid

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you know what the worst thing about high school is? The dumb new guys who get all the attention just because it's fresh meat, and apparently adorable. oh and by the way, I'm Lauren.
Captain of cheer squad, somewhat popular. But don't worry about me.
There's this new kid name Alex who came from Montana! I don't get what's so special about him! All he is, is just another tumble weed in the desert. If he had a modeling career or is best friends with Justin Timberlake, maybe I'll consider.
And literally all my friends are obsessed with the new kid

Mia: i swear! He's the total package!

Lauren: really, name one thing that is so "special" about this kid you call, Alex.

Mia: wh- he's really good at- no um, he looks cute?

Lauren: that's what I thought.

*riiiinngggg riiinngggggg*

Lauren: class is starting!

I ran to class with the teacher I dread.
Mr. Gray. More like, mr. Gives everyone detention for no damn reason.
But on the other hand, I don't have someone sitting at the same table as me. So I always get to do this by myself! No one playing Pokémon go while I'm working

Gray: there is a new student that is joining our class today!

Lauren: don't be Alex don't be Alex don't be-

Gray: Alex!

Alex walked in and all the girls freaked out. Tiffany even fainted.
I still don't see it!

Alex: h-hi!

Gray: sit next to this girl please. Her name's Lauren.

Why the heck is the universe doing this to me???

Lauren: hi.

Alex: you know, your the only girl that hasn't tried to make out with me!

Lauren: woohoo.

Alex: thanks, I'm glad I'm your my partner instead of one of the other girls.

Lauren: great so let's start working!

Alex: uh ok.

30 minutes later

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