[ XVIII ] Deal with the Devil

Start from the beginning

"I am called Eolande, child of flora. I know you were sneaking away from the entrance to the Queen's court chambers. I know why you are here, and I can help." She stopped approaching the group as she saw Mark raise a loaded bow at her.

"How can you help, and why would you help?" He asked harshly.

"Would you believe me if I said it comes from the goodness of my heart?" When no one answered, she threw her head back and laughed, the sound like the peal of bells. Her smile was both beautiful and terrifying. "I didn't think so. I cannot lie so I cannot tell you I want nothing in return. Humans think flowers are beautiful and fragile things, they are not. Flowers use their beauty to lure things to their death – a lovely trap. The child of flora are the same, I have no goodness in my heart except for things that benefit me and mine."

"And what benefit do you receive from helping us then?" Kieran asked, his weapon was lowered, his guard down around the faerie woman.

The smile on her face grew more sorrowful, the emotion painting her features more human. "I am fae, but I have become accustomed to living in the human world. I had created a family in the downworld and in the mundane world alike. Since the Cold Peace has been established, we are no longer welcome. Shadowhunters murdered my lover out of spite." You could hear the anger in her voice. "I was never one to remain in one place, I am a traveler. I cannot spend my life in isolation and exile. If the Seelie Court helps defeats the Unseelie King, there is a chance the Clave will forgive the fae for their past mistakes. The Cold Peace may end."

There was silence for a minute before Jaime spoke, far more gently than Cristina would have expected, "With all due respect, why do you think we would be the ones to end the Cold Peace?"

"Mark Blackthorn – half faerie and a Shadowhunter, whose sister is currently exiled due to the Cold Peace. Kieran Hunter or Kieran Kingson, however you call yourself – you are fae, a prince, and a hunter, you crave the freedom as I do. Cristina Rosales and Jaime Rosales – the Rosales are a revered shadowhunter family, they have always been closely tied with faeries. I do not care for the haughty children of angels, but any that have history with the Courts may be of use to us." Although you could not tell where exactly her eyes were looking directly, you could feel her silver gaze on you as she scanned the group.

Mark put his weapon down first, as soon as he heard the mention of his sister. A chance at her to return home. You could see his eyes light up at the thought. Kieran and Cristina followed suit, putting their weapons in a standby position. To everyone's surprise, Jaime put his weapon away as well, a slight incline of the head to the faerie woman. "And what information can you provide us, Eolande?"

The sharpness of her face softened, making her appear even more human than before. It was odd to see the fae display sorts of emotion, often too jaded to feel anything, but the relief was painted clearly on her face as she spoke. "That ring you search for? I know where it is."


Emma and Julian found themselves in Central Park already, the sky overhead filled with the blush of sunrise. She immediately felt a surge of panic, looking around her frantically.

"Julian! Cristina, Mark and Jaime are still in Faerie!" Her heart was racing but Julian was looking at her levelly.

"Sylvia took us straight out, the Queen doesn't trust us alone in her court. But it's okay." He gently caressed her face, cooling her burning skin once again. Despite his soothing touch, she pulled away.

"How can you be so calm? The plan was to go find them, I didn't know the damn gentry would send us back immediately. How will they even know we're done talking with the Queen?" Emma pulled out her phone, checking the day and time, to see how much time had passed since they were in faerie. They knew with Cristina and her necklace far away, the effect of it would be weak on them. They only hoped that it would be enough to prevent more than a few lost days. While to them it had only felt like a few hours down in the Seelie Court, her phone told her it had been almost a week.

"Because," Julian pulled his phone out to show her missed texts from Mark, "We may have been gone a week, but with Cristina's necklace, time moved normally for them. So it seems they have already been back for a few days."

Emma closed her eyes and let out the breath she was holding, opening her own messages to find ones from Cristina.

Emma please tell me when you and Julian are back, I'm worried. Me, Mark, Jaime and Kieran are back from Faerie. We're at the Institute <3

- Cristina

"Kieran? Kieran wasn't supposed to be with them in the court, was he?" Emma asked, based on Julian's expression, Mark's messages must not have mentioned that Kieran was with them.

Clary and Jace were nowhere to be found, not in the New York Institute and not responding to messages. Without Clary and with the sickness that was debilitating warlocks, there was no way to portal home. So instead, Emma and Julian had to actually fly to Los Angeles. Luckily, Shadowhunters could glamour themselves so paying for a ticket and going through security wasn't an issue. Not many members of the downworld were found in airports, so they went through nearly unnoticed.

After they arrived in Los Angeles and made it to the Institute, Julian barged through the doors. He had been tense the entire way home and Emma knew why. She had fiddled with the bracelet on her arm, her finger sliding over the smooth metal as she sat in the back of the taxi on the way there. They found most of the group in the kitchen, with the exception of Jaime. When they saw Julian and Emma walk in, a chorus of relieved sighs and murmurings rang throughout the room. Kieran was leaning against the kitchen counter talking to Cristina, but before anyone had a chance to say anything, Julian was holding Kieran by the neck and pressing him against the cabinets.

"YOU LEFT THEM! You were supposed to stay here and watch my brothers and sister!" His voice was rough, booming throughout the room. Mark had tried to grab Julian's shoulder but he shoved him back until his head cracked against the cabinets.

"Julian!" Cristina shouted, moving over to help Mark who seemed mostly alright.

"I- I thought they would be fine-" Kieran choked out, his hands braced tightly on the angry Blackthorn's fingers around his throat.

"Julian?" Ty's voice broke through the haze of fury gripping Julian, the pressure that threatened to burst his eardrums subsided and he heard the worry in his brother's voice. Felt the fear in the room. He let go of Kieran, who gasped for air as Julian looked at himself in horror.

"I am, so sorry. I don't know what got into me." He whispered, his gaze dropped towards his hands which were now shaking. He felt like there was a constant burning under his skin, fiery needles prickling beneath his runes.

Ty touched his brother's back cautiously, "Julian, I am 15. We are okay, Kieran was better off helping in faerie. It's alright. You're not going to lose us."

"I already lost Livvy. I can't lose you too." The words were almost too low to hear, but Emma could hear the pain in his voice. Although her eyes never left her parabatai, she noticed Cristina and Mark go to Kieran immediately. Cristina was whispering to him, seemingly frazzled.

"You know how much the Queen can set you on edge. That and mundane air travel, but we're back now." Emma spoke confidently, trying to get the attention away from Julian. His perfectly crafted armor had broken and you could see the vulnerable boy beneath. "Do you have the heirloom?"

Mark was rubbing his head, moving to stand in front of Emma. "Not necessarily, but we know who does."

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